Remember my holiday in
3 weeks
South of France
Lovely weather
Great food and drink
Teenage boys discovering Teenager
Teenager discovering boys (other than Mini-Me)
Baby discovering a new pre-teenage world
Me realising both were at the start of changes to their lives and their dependence on me
Shit drive there, race against the clock back to make the ferry with 15 minutes to spare
The purchase of a caravan…mobile home….holiday home in the South of France
Well guess which one is The Money Pit? Yep, not the kids but the caravan…mobile home….holiday home. To be honest me being a lazy, disorganised knobber doesn’t help the situation either. In fact I told GMD this would be my project to test my planning skills acquired in my stultifying, boring and increasingly dull job. Of course this was a mistake because being a member of the GoGB means delaying everything until the last possible moment. It’s genetic, and only blokes can loaf to the degree where we only leave a burning building when our hair starts to sizzle. And even then we probably just saunter out casually. Similarly that’s how I’ve planned this new adventure.
caravan…mobile home….holiday home from a new member of The Fucking Bastards Club – my building society. Since late September they have prevaricated around lending us the money. They don’t answer the phones, they don’t reply to letters until 2-3 weeks later, they can’t help on the phone when you do get through and then finally they refuse the loan after 3 months of administrative bollocks because they won’t lend on something that “isn’t a permanent structure”…well thanks to the Birmingham Midshits for fuck all. And I will get my £300 admin fee (which they say is non-refundable) back believe me. Small claims court here I come! So, we have ended going elsewhere to get the balance – my shares from The Company that I’ve been saving for 5 years!, some other shares that I got as a bonus from the company have also gone, and no they didn’t make me a great deal of money because The Company’s share price is on its arse and falling day by day! We’ve managed to get the £3400 site fees together as well and so in the last week I’ve decimated my long term savings, read contracts until blue in the face, signed loan forms in triplicate, signed contracts in quadruplate (if such a thing exists) been emailing Haven Europe constantly trying to get correct figures and other advice from a very pleasant but unbelievably dim “sales counsellor” – a sort of female Tim Nice-but-dim. Email seems almost mysterious to her judging by the apparent delight she shows every time she gets something from me that has an attachment.
And people wonder why I’m a grumpy old bastard?
Later, GrocerJack
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