Every year around this time I get swollen glands in or around the throat and ear area. Well, OK the neck then. Every year I trot to the Good Doctors and every year he says the same thing.
Every year.
Every year I go and get a blood test which is inconclusive. Every year he decides I have an infection and that the debilitating pain is actually a good thing because it means my body is fighting the infection and thats what causes the pain.
Every year he refuses to give me anti-biotics and recommends Ibuprofen. Every year he also prescribes a nasal spray. Every year he links it to my sinuses becoming more frequently troublesome.
Every year this goes on for about 6 weeks. Every year I think it's neck cancer, throat cancer, or something similarly horrible. Every year I stop singing in the car in case this is making it worse.
Every year this happens immediately after the Christmas break where I haven't been near the office for a week or two. It never happens during the warmer months of the year.
Last year the Good Doctor decided finally that the the cause was my failing sinuses not draining away the mucus properly, allowing it to sit in the throat and then infect the glands and sometimes the throat. Last year he decided there was no real answer other than defying the laws of science and actually growing younger each year.
Still, it gets me a couple of days off work, so yet again proving the maxim that "every cloud has its silver lining". Of course these couple of days are not spent lying around catching up on DVD's or Podcasts, nor reading books I got for Christmas, nor just playing Football Manager 2006 for 2 whole days. No, they're spent catching up on all the crappy admin stuff around the house. This years "sickie" admin delights to sort are
1.) the cost of Christmas
2.) how to finance my teeth straightening,
3.) how to finance the mobile home we bought now that the wankers at the Building Society have refused to let us add to the mortgage
4.) fit a trip to Argos in to buy a replacement desk pedestal for the MFI one that collapsed in pieces like a demolished block of flats two days before Christmas
5.) can I afford my OU course this year?
6.) Why has the golf club subscription risen by £20 per month this year
7.) Why haven't NTL asked BT to return my phone line to their system - incompetence being the answer there.
8.) Write my letter of complaint to Sky about their fuckwit installers and staff - done (an edit to be posted later)
Thus proving the opposite maxim to the one quoted above - "that every silver lining has it's cloud".
Later, GrocerJack
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