Another surefire sign of how mental this country is getting and just how bloody invasive the PC Brigade/Nanny State is getting. Read this article about the 64 year old Grandad asked to remove his Trilby hat in a pub and then tell me that we aren't all off to hell in a handcart. For fucks sake where is the alleged reason, compromise and fairness of todays' society? Do we truly live in a "one size fits all" society where stupid rules are bought in with best intentions but then penalise the innocent or unwary? When are we, as a society going to stand up to this sort of PC/Nanny State/paranoic bollocks and tell these rule making knobbers to go fuck themselves. Perhaps it's time for a new political party.
The Civil Disobedience Party (incorporating The Common Sense Party) anyone?
Rules might include
Anyone over 40 can wear any headgear wherever they like
All Town centre parking will be free
Any parking meter without a debit/credit card facility will be deemed invalid
If I want to stand at football I will
Speed limits on A-roads and motorways will now be Safe Speed Guides
Gas/electricity/water and phone disconnections will be an illegal act
I'll drink however much I want
I'll give up my bus/tube seat when it suits me
If i want to use my mobile in a petrol station I will, bearing in mind that to date not one occurence of mobile phone caused petrol station explosion or fire anywhere in the world has been logged
Ditto on aeroplanes.
Ditto in Hospitals
Hospital Parking will be free (our government will make up the revenue shortfall)
Wheel Clamps can be legally removed via Angle grinders/power Saws
It will be illegal to turf any minor off of a bus or train because they haven't enough money for the full fare and the driver will be responsible for ensuring the kid can call home.
Spikes can be worn in the clubhouse, as can hats and shorts (local golf club rule)
It will be legal to throw someones mobile away or destroy it if they are too loud on the train, in a restaurant, in a waiting room or answer it when indulging in face to face conversation with someone?
Any more?
Later, Grocerjack
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