Simon Hughes...Liar
Charles Kennedy ....Liar
Mark Oaten...Liar
Tony Blair.....Liar
Michael Howard....Liar
The list just goes on and on. I had some hope for Simon Hughes , in fact for the Lib Dems, and personally I don't think anyones sexuality is anyone else's business.
Never has been. And never will be.
In fact if I was one and someone asked me "Straight or Gay" I'd have a stock answer ready along the lines of
"Fuck off and mind your own business you miserable piece of shit"
George Michael refused to answer for years because he rightfully didn't want to be labelled because of it. Granted he was outed in somewhat unfortunate circumstances but I think this may have been a deliberate ploy to get it over and done with.
However, if you choose to answer the question, then at least answer it honestly, especially if your a politician making promises to people. Blair lied on WMD, Howard on just about everything but who can forget the HM Prisons episode and his subsequent squirming under fire from Paxman.
All hope for the Lib Dems has gone though. No matter what i think how do I know the new leader isn't concealing other ideas or thoughts, or has a different agenda. I'm intelligent enough to make my mind up based on election promises and manifesto's but I fear the average Sun/Star/Express/Mail reader isn't. You can hear the blue rinses getting bluer with each new revelation.
Simon Hughes at least entertained one idea that I like, the idea of an English Parliament, but seems to have dropped his enthusiasm for that recently. That might be enough for me to not vote for his party, but the fact that he appears "bi" isn't a voting issue. Strange how this is even news in 2006 though.
Oaten on the other hand was a fool and trod the same path of folly that many an MP has done before. He won't be the first, nor the last. But why do it this way? Why not just go to a gay friendly club and meet someone there. If nothing else it must be cheaper? The only person I feel sorry for in his story is his poor wife. Talk about having your world turned upside down.
The upshot is that in a period of declining trust in politics, this lying trait just adds fuel to that fire. Lying feeds apathy. All we ask for as voters is honesty. Most intelligent voters don't care about your sex life. We just care about what you can do to make our lives better.
Later, GrocerJack
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