Tony Banks. A proper MP in his day with a passionate nature and a fierce and sometimes cruel wit. He followed my beloved Chelsea with a passion unmatched in political-celeb fan circles. I once sat in the old Galleria with him in the Shed End on a Corporate jolly when we played Leicester a few years back and he was as loud as me, much to the chagrin of the collected Prawn Sandwich Brigade you tend to get there. I think he shared a similar hate relationship with Ken Bates as well, although Ken would never ban Banksie because he was if nothing else speaking honestly about what a curmudgeonly old goat Bates was. After the game, as we walked back to our respective tables he looked over to my bit and I caught his eye. He lifted his glass and with a knowing wink mouthed the words "keep the passion...good result". In fact he might have said "fucking good result* but I didn't notice as I'd gone a bit star struck at that point. The point was he had recognized in me a kindred spirit, that of the real football fan , the one who'll sit and eat the luxury free food of Corporate jollies, but in his heart wants to be in the terraces with the fans, singing, chanting and swearing. I guess the point is that although not all of his opinions were along my lines he had the inate ability to respect those on the opposite side of the fence in all walks of life. At that game he was sharing a table with true blue Tory Stephen "Shagger" Norris with whom he'd had many a political tussle both in The Commons and later in his failed attempt to be nominated to stand as Mayor of London. All throughout he afternoon they baited each other and were having a laugh, all political differences set aside in order to get behind the one set of Blues he truly loved - Chelsea FC.
I remember one other instance where he captured the feeling of supporting Chelsea perfectly. We reached the FA Cup final in 1997 having been trophyless for 27 years. For whatever reason it was the last time the BBC did the "all day" coverage and build up to the game. Cue Des Lynam at the peak of his presenting powers as he said "and now over to a true blue..the MP Tony Banks". He asked Banksie how he felt and commented that it must be great to be at the game and how much he must be relishing it. Banksie's reply was the EXACT summation of how I felt that morning
"Des...this has been the worst experience of my life...I couldn't sleep, I can't eat, my mouth is dry but I can't drink, my stomach is turning over in circles and I;ve never felt so awful about anything. It's been bloody torture!"
Even GMD smiled at that and looked at me as if to say "I think he's summed you up there as well!" And he had, for that day was as nerve racking as any I've encountered before or since. The level of expectation was so high that had we lost I think I might still be in therapy somewhere now!
His passion for animal rights was well documented and although it was too extreme for me it was also something to behold when he was in full debate about. He also shared a love of art that I have acquired over the years. I also felt that when he was Minister for Sport he was truly a man who understood the importance of Sport within the social fabric of this country. He knew the positive effect that success in any sport had on the beleagured people of Britain, and the feelgood factor it would induce. As a true football fan he more than any other Sports Minister before or since just how much the passion of sport can be a force for good in people. How it teaches you to accept defeat graciously (well unless it's Chelsea losing) and to win with dignity (again Chelsea excluded!).
I have a feeling that day he acknowledged me we could have been in a pub and he would have happily sat there and chewed the football cud over a few beers or glasses of wine until the night ended naturally with a handshake and a mischievous smile as he walked away. A true man of the people, he will no doubt be missed in politics but also at Stamford Bridge where everyone was his friend and he was everyone's friend.
RIP mate, and wherever you are KTBFFH.
Later, GrocerJack
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