Friday, 24 September 2004

Wise Words from the worlds greatest songwriter….

The monkey sat on a pile of stones

And he stared at the broken bone in his hand

And the strains of a Viennese quartet rang out across the land

The monkey looked up at the stars

And he thought to himself

Memory is a stranger, history is for fools

And he cleaned his hands in the pool of holy writing

Turned his back on the garden and set out for the nearest town

Hold on! Hold on soldier!

When you add it all up the tears and the marrowbone

There's an ounce of gold and an ounce of pride in each ledger

And the Germans killed the Jews

And the Jews killed the Arabs

And the Arabs killed the hostages

And that is the news

And is it any wonder that the monkey's confused?

He said Mama Mama the President's a fool

Why do I have to keep reading these technical manuals

And the joint chiefs of staff and the brokers on Wall Street said

Don't make us laugh you're a smart kid

Time is linear, memory's a stranger, History's for fools

Man is a tool in the hands of the great God Almighty

And they gave him command of a nuclear submarine

And sent him back in search of the Garden of Eden

Can't you see?

It all makes perfect sense

Expressed in Dollars and Cents

Pounds, Shillings and Pence

Can't you see?

It all makes perfect sense

Little black soul departs in perfect focus

Prime time fodder for the News at Nine

Darling is the Child warm in bed tonight

Can't you see?

It all makes perfect sense

Expressed in Dollars and Cents

Pounds, shillings and pence

Can't you see?

It all makes perfect sense

(Roger Waters, Perfect Sense parts 1 and 2, Amused to Death, 1992)

And seemingly even more applicable today. If you get the chance to listen to this track (Parts 1 and 2), then it becomes even more poignant.

More later, GrocerJack (and they will be happier…. I promise)


  1. Roger Waters, Perfect Sense parts 1 and 2, Amused to Death, 1992)
    Which is of course in everyone's top twenty of all time greats .. anyone with taste that is.

    Thanks for the link Grocerjack .. with your musical taste I will reciprocate at once.

  2. Thanks for the comment fellow Jack. I heard this for the first time back in July when I bought the In the Flesh DVD. Frankly I had expected to be disappointed, I don't know why but probably because Gilmour seems to have had the higher profile career since Floyd split. Gilmour's Live DVD is a "Floyd Uncut" and is also excellent in a different way. But this simply blew me away and I now await Amused to Death (The Album) with eagerness since having heard this from a mate I am ashamed that I ever doubted the mighty Roger Waters!


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