Friday, 3 September 2004


I wish this post was more cheerful, but the images seen today of the events in Southern Russia have bought a tear to my eye. I can imagine nothing worse than my two children being involved in something as horrendous as this. The sight of parents lifting sheets to see if the body belongs to that of one of their children left the canteen at my office a very silent and sombre place. A tragic and very sad sight indeed.

Who is to blame? Only one answer there – the terrorists. I am no fan of Bush but his stance against terrorism is the strongest in our times and perhaps thats what we need no matter who is elected. And despite my doubts about Blair it has to be said that for once we have a leader willing to stand up to these terrorists no matter what the cause. President Putin seems to be of a similar ilk and does not appear to have given any order to go in, nor it seems did any of the senior military personnel there. The evidence seems to point to the Russian soldiers taking it upon themselves, stirred into action by the sight of the terrorists starting to shoot the hostages. I have seen some comments accusing the Russians of heavy handedness but what else could they do? Negotiate? With fanatics? Has that ever worked? Nope, they had to go in eventually and it’s a terrible shame that people and children have died, but it seems they were doomed anyway. Russia has its own Northern Ireland here, that’s for sure.

As I have stated before the only way to deal with them is to kill them – no trial, no justice, no publicity. Just quietly and efficiently take them out. And here’s another idea. Why not create a terrorism Task Force made up from the worlds elite military forces. Yes, combine soldiers from the SAS etc into one highly mobile, highly trained unit. Their purpose could be defined as preventing Terrorism (via killing the fuckers before they get the chance to do their terrible deeds) and being used in situations such as today. I do see the point that some make about breeding new classes of terrorist by keeping the killing going but surely the world has seen enough after this to unite and stamp it out, whether by use of Special Forces or internally from their own communities. Surely the combined might of powerful nations can overwhelm and crush these bastards.

Put it this way. If I knew someone was a terrorist, drinking in my pub I would kill them, in cold blood if necessary. Fuck the fear factor, if necessary I’d act (or be) scared but yes, I’d put a bullet in them. No doubt I’d be arrested, but lets face it, what jury would bang me up? I often wonder why no-one close to Hitler/Saddam/Pol Pot/Ho Chi Minh/Stalin/Milosevic et al never did it.

I need some Guinness, and some good news to cheer me up.

More later, GrocerJack


  1. I was listening to talk radio today,and was going to post about this horrific event (i might post tomorrow.)
    All the experts were harping on about the Moscow Cinema disaster being a failure, but 90% of the hostages got out alive.
    The experts were blameing everyone......exept the hostage takers.

    I'm with you.....The only ones to blame are the terrorists who chose to enter the school, with weapons.

  2. I agree, there has got to be a turning point where everyone says enough is enough.

  3. And why children..they should be cared for and nurtured not terrorised. Nobody has the right to harm/kill/maim another being and certainly not a child, who doesn't have a clue what terrorism is. To see the poor darlings looking so distressed...and the parents grieving for their dead children or searching for them amongst the bodies...this can't be allowed to continue somebody, somewhere must have the answer. There is no word strong enough to describe the cowardly behaviour of terrorists.

  4. Why are we still calling them terrorists now we know that some of the children were raped?! "Sickos, madmen, paedaphiles" should be how we view them - hiding behind the guise of terrorists supposedly fighting for a cause!

    Ditto Jack - it scares the shit out of me to think that this could happen to my children - I wouldn't consider myself a violent person, but show me who they are and point me at them......


  5. I cannot imagine why the terrorists would think that by raping hostages, blowing them up and shooting children in the back as they flee, they would further or gain support for their "cause".
    The horror of these events is unimaginable.
    To these bastards,death is glory and as such killing them might not be the best. They need to be utterly humiliated, deprived, made to suffer the punishments they deem acceptable (you know, stoning, torture, hands cut off, that sort of thing) and then utterly destroyed but not killed.


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