Thursday, 23 September 2004

Those who live by the sword......

I really wanted to write something cheerful and perhaps even funny because it seems to me my postings have been a bit whingy lately. However, bearing in mind the current situation with the British hostage in Iraq anything like that seems a bit trite. Perhaps its just me, because generally my mood is pretty "up" at the moment. Work is going well, despite the swimlanes, roadmaps, strategy documents, RAG status reports and KPI's so I can't find anything remotely good enough for a savaging on the blog from that usually reliable source. After this post perhaps I'll try and ignore what's going on in the world because I can't help but feel duty bound to write and comment on what I see and hear, and that doesn't necessarily make for good reading. The last thing I really want is to make this blog as miserable and depressing as Eastenders.

Tonight I watched the videos of the American hostages being ......well murdered is the only, make that brutally and savagely murdered by ...well ....(and I apologize for the language but it sums up the depth of feeling).....a bunch of Terrorist Cunts. These TC's (to save writing the C word which I use frequently with mates on the golf course but NEVER with anyone else) are psychopathic motherfuckers and the only thing that I can think of is that we don't even attempt to take them alive but we kill them using the alleged methods of Black Jack Pershing. It's extreme but I can't see any way forward in dealing with people allegedly holding no fear of death. And I apply this only to the TC's killing people arbitrarily in the name of some warped translation of the writings of the holy book of one of the worlds great faiths.

This is the story -

HOW TO STOP ISLAMIC TERRORISTS...... it worked once in our History...

Once in U.S. history an episode of Islamic terrorism was very quickly stopped. It happened in the Philippines about 1911, when Gen. John J. Pershing was in command of the garrison. There had been numerous Islamic terrorist attacks, so "Black Jack" told his boys to catch the perps and teach them a lesson.

Forced to dig their own graves, the terrorists were all tied to posts, execution style. The U.S. soldiers then brought in pigs and slaughtered them, rubbing their bullets in the blood and fat. Thus, the terrorists were terrorized; they saw that they would be contaminated with hogs' blood. This would mean that they could not enter Heaven, even if they died as terrorist martyrs.

All but one was shot, their bodies dumped into the grave, and the hog guts dumped atop the bodies. The lone survivor was allowed to escape back to the terrorist camp and tell his brethren what happened to the others. This brought a stop to terrorism in the Philippines for the next 50 years.

Pointing a gun into the face of Islamic terrorists won't make them flinch.

They welcome the chance to die for Allah. Like Gen. Pershing, we must show them that they won't get to Muslim heaven (which they believe has an endless supply of virgins) but instead will die with the hated pigs of the devil.

It seems this story may be apocryphal as any hard evidence is disputed but if we are fighting fanatics with no fear of death and unless that death is tainted in some way then we cannot beat them. If we made death a fearsome prospect (as it is for us, especially if untimely to brutal) by adopting a methodology such as this, then doesn't this act as a possible deterrent?

Before anyone screams "Islamaphobe" or "racist" lets get one thing straight. I will stand by the right of any person to practice any faith they like, providing it causes no harm to myself or others. All I am advocating is using an extreme method of death which puts terror into the hearts of terrorists. Faith should be a personal thing only to be shared amongst those who also follow it, or those who have no objection to its practice. I do not believe in indoctrinating people in any faith, by any method. If they want to follow it then let them learn about the options themselves, perhaps by the teaching in school of their existence but with no secular bias, like the French do. I do believe that most Muslims are peaceful, caring people who want to worship their God and live good and meaningful lives in conjunction with others of different faiths (even Judaism). The same goes for most Christians, Buddhists and Hindus. However, terrorism against innocent people, with no militaristic connections has no part of any religion and that is also the truth about Islam. What we see is the warped translation of the Koran (Qu'ran?) by fanatical pyschopaths with agenda's and motives known only to themselves. And lets also get this straight...fundamental Christians are as bad...and George W is a fundamental Christian. What we are seeing is a repeat of the Crusades being fought out by minority wings of each religion (Georgie Boy from the Christian side, Zarqawi/Bin Laden on the other,) where the majority of each lives side by side, sometimes easily, sometimes uneasily but they do not willingly kill the innocents of the other side. How did these idiots gain such prominence. How did the respective religions allow such zealots to gain such followings?

Surely the great and the good within the "Arab Nation" can root out their own troublemakers and prevent the seemingly inevitable path to self destruction they're being dragged down. Surely it is in their economic and cultural interests to co-exist peacefully with the West? Surely the American people can see the fool in charge for what he is, and the damage being done to the name of America in all areas of the world? Surely, they'll vote to put someone in charge who REALLY KNOWS what the horror of war is FIRST HAND and knows it is a last resort, not a first resort. Surely, they'll vote for someone who seems keen to take a proud nation and return it to a caring and generous nation, genuinely protecting the innocent and not just the business community. A man who wants to release their country from the grip of Middle Eastern oil and help them look elsewhere for their energy needs? Surely common sense will prevail somewhere.....

And so I put forward the view that when these terrorists are found they are shot with bullets impregnated with pigs fat or pigs blood. If they are tried and sentenced to death, then that death should be similarly tainted. They should know that their belief of what follows death will actually be the realization of their worst fears and not their greatest aspirations. Then perhaps they will learn that democracy, no matter how flawed is still the fairest political system the world knows today, and the best and most effective way of changing what you don't like.

Later, Grocerjack


  1. I'm with you Jack. This sounds like a really excellent idea. That Black Jack dude was one smart cookie, wasn't he?

  2. Good post Jack.
    I remember hearing that story many years ago.
    One of the problems we have is that a lot of people have not,or will not, see the videos of the barbaric killings, in particular, the one of the 12 Nepalese hostages.
    Until people see these videos, they can pretend it's not really that bad.
    I would like to keep my posts light hearted or humerous, but I am sick of keeping quiet, and yes, I have been labelled a racist and an Islamophobe, but as one of my commenters said...."when they start name calling, they've lost the argument."
    Unfortunatley, we can only vent our anger on-line, as the posts (my latest about the criminalcop), will change nothing.
    Keep speaking your mind.

  3. I am so with you on this one. These fanatics want to die I say let's help them along, quickly and like you said make sure they know the weapons have been tainted.


Speak your brains!