Thursday, 2 September 2004

Vive Le France!

So some nutcase fruit loop, basket case Iraqi’s have kidnapped 2 French journalists. I don’t much like journalists but even I find kidnapping a bit much. My view is simple. France is an independent country which is free to make its own laws. I quite like the idea of separating the state from religion and keeping it independent. It means that any teachings can be unbiased and objective. Who do these Muslim fanatics think they are? If I go to Saudi and open a bottle of Jim Beam, will I be ignored…or banged up? If I steal a hat from a shop…will I be chastised or fined? Or will I lose my hand? If I decry Allah in Tehran, will I be ignored, laughed at…or stoned to death?

Followers of Islam listen. If you live in the West then abide by the laws of the country you live in, or were born in. I have to. If I moved to the US then I will abide by their laws, or if I move to Jordan I will abide by theirs. I have no choice. When the Arab countries make allowances for Western faiths and traditions then maybe we’ll listen back. In the meantime the only protests should come from French Muslims, and then only via political and lobby group pressure and dialogue.

France, please do no cave in like the Spanish did after the Madrid bombs. It’s you country, your law. One which has been around along time. It affects Christians and Jews as well, no skull caps or visible Crucifixes. The West must not allow these fucking idiots, whether Muslim, Christian, black, brown yellow or whatever to dictate our laws.

More later, GrocerJack


  1. It's a shame we don't have the same laws in the UK regarding religion and the state.

  2. Years ago my daughter wished me Happy Eid..I went ballistic. Poor love it wasn't her fault but it transpired they had spent the previous day celebrating Eid. I actualy don't have a problem with them learning about other cultures, my children went to a multi-racial school and it doesn't do any great harm. I was taught similar in the 60's. My objection was that it wasn't just a lesson but a whole day and if I was Muslim/Hindu/whatever I would have had the opportunity to take my child out of classes which revolved around the Christian faith ie Christmas/Easter. As a Christian I had no such opportunity. I do agree with your comments. We are bending so far backwards to accommodate other cultures/religions/races and being in fear of offending we are in danger of losing our own identity.

  3. I thought it was quite amusing that the French minorites were up in arms about the law until the journalists were kidnapped.

    Now the feeling is: "Hey Pal, it might be a shite law but its our law - keep out of it". Or whatever the Frech is for that.

    The kidnapping has only served to bring the people of France together behind the ban.

  4. Precisely. I have no objection to other faiths, but my point was that if my faith involved drinking Guinness, or like Catholicsim drinking wine at Communion, would that be allowed in a Muslim state. No of course not. I was challenged on this posting by a woman. My riposte was that if she so felt like it she could walk down any UK High Street in her undies and would be cheered, or possibly advised to cover up. In Mecca/Tehran/Baghdad/ etc she'd be beaten/flogged/banged up or shot. It just gets me when a religion favouring the stoning to death of adulterous women starts dicating to civilised Western states about discriminatory laws. As for the point of getting the French to unite then thats spot on. Would that happen here, or would the bleeding hearts get in the way? As I have said Vive Le France in refusing to bow down to these prats.

    Later, Grocerjack


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