Friday, 16 July 2004

Wot no posts?

Aaah , thats because I've been busy seeing the sights and sounds of London, and using the time to catch up and get a bit in front on my studies. Plus, after a gruelling few days (sic) the creative juices were a little slack. Hopefully all will return on monday, when I can discuss the BNP (any doubts about their agenda now?), knobbers on the course, and other goodies.

A ray of sunshine though.....Michael Howard must be gutted this morning seing the Lib dems steal his chance to show how much the Tories have closed the gap. I think they need the Underground announcer on their side, constantly reminding them"Mind the Gap"

Later, Grocerjack


  1. Hi Jack, Saw a bit of the BNP thing. Which wasn't really revealing, rather confirming what everyone already thought. The thing that concerned me more was an interview the following day suggesting there should be reforms to the "freedom of speech" to legally restrict racist dialogue. This was proposed in the same sentence where the legal bod used the 1984 (Orwell book)phrase "Hatecrime". This is, for me, a worrying confirmation of your nanny state observations. I guess this will ultimatley lead to the GOGB becoming an underground organisation as our views /comments will be restricted by legislation.
    Cheers Strings.

  2. Just read my comment again, needed to clarify that I am not suggesting that the GoGB is racist, rather that with time the grumpy views on cars, traffic, shopping centres, music fashion, technology and its failure to perform and letching (etc..) could gradually be eroded with the creeping "do good" reforms to freedom of speech.

    Cheers Strings

  3. Absolutley mate - I trust the camp went OK?

    Anyway, the truth is no matter how I despise their views they do have the right to say them. The best way to make them look arses is by playing the positive cards against them and by using films such as that shown to show them for what they really are, which is downright villains and thugs. Remove the racist element and you still have a bunch of nomarks without the intellectual capacity to partake in a civilised society.


Speak your brains!