Each passing day now has me wondering who will blink first. Me, or Teenager. I have shown her the web sites for Florida attractions, given her my book on the whole area (which should be called Florida for British Fuckwits).
But.....Teenager hasn't seen a ride she isn't prepared to try. And this is the bet.....I will beat her and will go on at least one ride that she won't.
But she's not blinking.
She's not phased
She doesn't give a shit
She couldn't give a fucking toss!
I am now relying on this being teenage hormonal bravado or stupidity. Whereas me.....well I am already thinking twice about Doctor Dooms Suicidal Deathtrap Fearfall or whatever it's called. I liked the look of the Duelling Dragons ride but looking at the web video I can feel my arteries clogging up instantly. It says "not suitable for those with heart conditions".....well how the fuck will I know that? Perhaps these are the very thing to test out my LDL Cholesterol levels. I thought I might get her with the Twilight Zone Tower of Brain Blood Vessel Popping Terror...but no...her response to this was "wow...thats way cool". The Incredible Hulk Instant Eyeball Explosion Coaster? Not a problem..."Dad it reaches 70 miles an good is that?"...."Oh looks quite interesting" I reply, desperately trying to disguise the tremor in my voice.
So now, five times a day I mentally repeat this mantra
I can't back down...I can't back down...I will not back down.....I am not going to lose.....
Nope, hasn't worked so far.
Oui :-(
Later, Grocerjack
PS...I have a cunning and extraordinarily devious plan hatching which may guarantee that I win.....more when I have developed it further!
Jack - face up to it - are you a man or a mouse??? Where's all that male bravado and machismo??? At least I (and no doubt Teenager, soon), can stand tall (no comment, Jack?!) and say that we did 'em all!!! I faced the teenage challenge (Tim was 14 then), and I can proudly say that I ran the gauntlet and made it back in one piece!!! and me only a female - imagine? Show her you've got the balls to face the challenge - and while you're at it - make sure you hang on to them - gravity can be a cruel and sobering thing.....
Bev xx