This Weeks Work of Art - MichaelAngelo's Pieta, 1499, currently on dislay at St. Peters Basilica, Rome. Not a picture this week, but a sculpture and quite simply one of the most amazing things I have ever clapped my beady little eyes on. It is of the Madonna cradling the body of JC himself after the crucifixion. A digital picture can never do this justice, only seeing and touching can. However, due to some idiot vandal who attacked it, probably a mad muslim, this is now behind glass. All I can really say about it is that when you see it, it is almost impossible to view it simply as a piece of shaped rock! I have seen people reduced to tears simply by its sheer magnificence and beauty. It is the only piece that MichaelAngelo actually signed (on the sash worn by the Madonna). If you go to Rome, then see this..it is a must, but you'll see so much more at the Vatican as well as a bonus! Later, Grocerjack

Even one dimensional it is an awe inspiring piece. You cannot help but be effected by it. You can feel her anguish. I did wonder if sculpture (doesn't seem enough of a word for this) would come within your repertoire! Rgds, Den.