This Weeks Work of Art is by Wassily Kandinsky, one of my favourite "modern" artists. This takes some looking at, but eventually draws you in and in a similar way to Picasso you can start to see different impressions and images within it. This one is simply called Yellow Red and Blue. I will not try and attempt a formal critique of this..I mean where do you start? It is not a traditionalist image, but it is hauntingly beautiful and the use of vivid coulours immediately draws the eye to the left side of the picture...why would he do that...was it intentional? The sphere in the top of the picture looks to me like the Sun...but is it being eclipsed? I do have a copy on my wall and it ALWAYS attracts comment no matter how apathetic towards art the viewers are. This is the last piece until I return from my hols. For more images of Kandinsky and many other fabulous and crap artists check out the excellent Mark Hardens Artchive. Later , GrocerJack

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