Thursday, 14 November 2019

Grumpy grumpy grumpy

Morning Mugs

I've tried. Fuck knows I've tried. I've tried to tone down my grumpiness, but .....fuck it....all I'm doing is masking the natural gravitational call of grumpiness that grows in impact with each passing year. Right now I'm dealing with a situation at work where customers want to order a service from us that requires us to stump up cash for 3rd party services in order to deliver for the customer, only to be told all the money for 2019/2020 is spent. FOR FUCKS does anybody sanction this as a method for running a business. This is the equivalent of you engaging a builder to design and deliver a new extension.....and the builder says that due to his financial processes whilst you can place the order, he can't buy any materials, do the design, plan any time or resource until the next financial year when a new Capital budget is in place. 

Dear Customer, we value your loyal business but please fuck off with any dreams of getting your work started before April due to my own fuckwit internal processes. 

Yeah, it's that fucking stupid. Would I run my own business like this? Only if I wanted to have the worst reputation for delivery in that field and a desire for bankruptcy. 

Why have I tried to tone down the grumpiness? I just thought it would make life easier, more positive, more sparky. Happier. But the truth is it just closes a valve on what was cathartic way of releasing the steam of frustration, confusion and being utterly perplexed by modern life...all whilst looking like someone who's mastered the arse-gravy fucked up bollocks of modern living. 

So, Mugs, expect to see twitter links, expect more vitriol, bile and sneering confusion and hopefully on a daily basis. There'll be dog stuff from time to time, they're too naughty to be ignored. But lets hope a for return to the laughable self centred glory days of Grocerjack and the idiots I deal with or watch from a distance. 

Later Mugs, GJ

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