You all know by now what I tend to think of a lot of the Senior Managers in The Company. The Master isn't bad by previous standards of bosses and I get on very well with his boss, The Godfather. However, the thought of how some of them across The Company got to their current position pains me, especially when I think of the extra cash and perks they get.
I have of course, honourably and stoically sacrificed the untold riches available to me should I succumb to this fate, all by my own choice (Editors note.......yeah right!) in order to preserve my dignity and remain a man of principle untainted by the lure of more filthy lucre (Editors further note......who are you fucking kidding?).
My ideal style of management, and one I'd dearly love to pursue can be viewed here....
Leadership - Jack style
Effective and no bullshit, dont you think?
Maybe tomorrow, Grocerjack
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