Thursday, 25 October 2007

Leave it!

I liked Diana, the Princess of Wales. She seemed to be quite independent minded and had her own views on how to bring up children. She rattled the Royal family’s cage, which as a sworn Republican is no bad thing in my mind and would have made a pretty good figurehead president in the Republic of Jack.

But, what a waste of time and money the whole inquest thing is. Will it nail the conspiracy bollocks once and for all. Of course not! In fact the seemingly endless trail of witnesses and close contacts are all just adding even more fuel to the flames of the communal “Diana was murdered” conspiracy bonfire.

At my expense.

Yes, me and you, the great British mug taxpayer is funding this seemingly never ending waste of time, effort and money. Why not just hit me on the head and take a tenner? At least I’d know it had gone, rather than be patronized and indoctrinated in the belief that anyone really cares, or that it has some value. I don’t and it doesn’t.

As any fool know, she was tragically killed in car accident in a dangerous tunnel in Paris whilst being driven too fast by a drunk driver.

Live with it. And (despite my avowed Republicanism) spare a thought for 2 young men who, as if life wasn’t weird enough, have to live with intimate details of their mother’s life being splattered across newspapers and TV screens 10 years after she died.

No-one deserves that. One person who will seemingly never be allowed to RIP is Diana, Princess of Wales.

Later, Grocerjack

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