It's been a bit quiet round these parts for a while. Yeah, well fucking hard luck, some of us have been a bit tied up with work, families and the societal malaise of a general lack of time do do stuff. I miss writing stuff so I am hoping that I'll get 15 or 20 minutes every couple of days to confirm the Guild of Grumpy Blokes is alive and kicking. When I say "Blokes", of course this is a generalised term for anyone, male , female or trans-gendered who feels all they can do is watch helplessly as the world gets madder and madder day by day. Blokes are not just men now, they're everyone in our increasingly homogenised, androgynous world. Welcome to you all. I'll update the rules shortly as parts of them are a moveable feast, but feel free to check them out from the link and suggest any new ones.
So, what do I mean by a madder and maddening world? Well how about some More Nanny State anyone? Well just keep backing The Presbyterian Preacher (TPP) Gordon and you'll find every aspect of your life is wrong in some way or another. An example? Well I used to be "slightly overweight" like a lot of people in their 40's, but now, thanks to TPP and the whole gang of Lunatic Labour Bleeding Heart do-gooders, I am "obese". Lovely, thanks Gord. It seems not a day goes by when some rent-a- mouth MP or government sponsored scientist or study -group is spouting off some load of old bollocks which pisses on yet another aspect of my life. I've been quiet about this but really I'm bottling it all up, ready for a few rants. Keep reading......
Another example of our collective insanity could be seen with the recent hysterical wave of broadcast, tabloid and broadsheet media hyperbole surrounding British sport. World beating footballers one day, useless overpaid low-lives the next, including our friends in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. A European Championships with out a single nation from the British Isles beckons. World beating Rugby side one day, plucky, dogged and determined losers the next. Super rookie Formula One driver carrying the hopes of a nation one minute, second placed let down the next. I used to think Tim Henman was a one off who flattered to deceive, but it does now seem that we, the UK, are a nation of Tim Henmans', ready to choke when the big moment comes. We don't want winners, we want the plucky honourable loser. We revel in the ethos of "taking part is what counts" and "you can only do your best", whereas in the USA, Australia, South Africa and many other nations all of these would be seen as nothing less than a national shame. Culturally, the Henman space is where we are at and for the foreseeable future where we'll be.
Do you see what I mean? We're whipped into a frenzy and assaulted on all fronts by xenophobic propaganda, only to be disappointed again. Always the bridesmaid huh? All I ask is that the majority of us, who live in the "glass half empty" world continue to spread the gospel of realism and pragmatism so that when the inevitable defeat occurs, we can stoically as a nation just take the let down with a lovely pessimistic collective sigh of "told you so".
Cheers, Grocerjack
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