Tuesday, 6 March 2007

So What Happened?

Well, the biggest thing you might remember is me changing jobs within the company after 3 and a bit years of working in one of the dullest jobs ever, for one of the most pedantic and uninspiring people I've ever had the misfortune to come into contact with. The Schoolteacher was a pleasant bloke, but not the sort you'd rely on in an emergency, nor have a drink with. No, he was a decent chap but a bit like Captain Darling. With no balls.

So have things improved? Well, if your idea of improvement is being shunted from one Management Gobbledygook Bollocks Talk meeting to another then frankly no. If you enjoy sitting in meetings where people liberally spout Meeting Bingo platitudes such as "evangelising the customer expectation" , " blue sky thinking" , "running ideas up the flagpole" and "welcoming the virgin challenge" then....errr...no. In fact all I've done is shift from working for an uninspiring fuckwit to a mutated version of Reggie Perrins underlings. Yep, my current boss , The Master, is one constant round of "Fabulous", "Positive News" and "Marvellous Achievements" and so on. He reminds me of the Alec Baldwin character that Phoebe in friends once dated who seemed to fill his pants with a load at the simplest of things ("Wow, dontcha just love stairs", "aren't glasses such wonderful things " etc). Alright, it's toned down a bit from that but lets put it this way.....like all people at this level it seems that clarity is a little lost child in a forest of ambiguity in his life. And despite the smile, you can't help thinking he's one of the Branson clan, outwardly nice, but relentlessly ambitious and ruthless underneath.

Anyway, there are some plus points, the team are good fun although it was to good to be true that they were all happy. Nah, they were just anaesthetised after years of being pushed into the background. So, I'm working on getting them a bit angry and hungry again. I've also come across across 2 of the most power crazed ambitious people I've ever met. People who make The Sandman look like Pooh Bear in comparison. I'm going to have fun bursting their bubbles and writing about them here, the poor wretched souls.

So, less time to write, which means I've got to overcome my problem of being unable to write concisely. As The Master would say in a sickeningly positive manner, with only special people like me able to detect that it's veiled with undertones of something dark "Face the challenge and plan for success".


Later Grocerjack

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