Well well, look who's coming back. Grocerjack's had a rest, had a kip and is making his comeback.
In the break I've taken my new "role" or "JOB" as we used to call it, I've been to court with PsychoNeighbour, twisted one ankle, had gout in the other and endured a whole host of other things that have generally proved the maxim that "modern life is rubbish" to be true.
Like the other blog I contribute towards, this site will be a place to let off steam, to highlight the stupidity of people, or technology, to expose the ridiculous wage-slave bollocks I endure in order to keep a roof over my family's head and to expose the general hideousness of life in the Land of Dope and Moron today.
The difference is I want this blog to be .....collaborative....... and not solely down to me. So if you have an article you want posting then let me know - I'll cast a beady editorial eye over it and ....well.....if it's good enough I'll publish it.
Then you can see your writing published in lights for the world potentailly to love you or rip the piss out of you.
Jacks back, and not a moment too soon.
Later, Grocerjack
About time - nice to see you back!