And here's Page 1 - he was found guilty and was fined £3000 and ordered to pay costs. He defended himself because presumably no solicitor would have been stupid enough to defend him, especially bearing in mind his admission to the police that he HAD sent the letter to me and a similar one to the neighbour on the other side of him. His defence was based on the fact that the letters were in fact NOT meant to cause distress or anxiety, nor meant to be threatening. No, his defence was that they were merely "advisory" and part of his duty to act as a good Christian. During the trial he stated that he believed the CPS was an inherently corrupt organisation, that the Criminal Justice system in this country could not be trusted and that the police had mis-handled the case from start to finish.
How to make friends and influence people huh?
In fact the full story of the trial is utterly surreal, but too long to put into writing. Just take my word for it, this man is living in a Walter Mitty existence. Even his wife didn't attend - perhaps she knows something. Needless to say everything he accuses me of is utter bollocks, but during the trial he stated that was with-holding a pack of "compelling" evidence of " a litany of bad behaviour, physical abuse, threats , vandalism and trespass" against me, which he intends to use in a civil case. Bring it on matey, bring it on. Interesting to see how much evidence he has of NOTHING, because that's what's happened - in fact words haven't been exchanged for 4 years.
And I have to live next door to this. What a stroke of luck don't you think?
Later, Grocerjack
What a freak!