At noon yesterday I left the *yawn* Change Management Workshop, with my fellow Change Planning Managers to stand outside and observe the silence in honour of those that died last week in the London bombings. As we walked silently past the in-house cafe and walked into the car park, heads bowed. Some stopped in the cafe and watched the BBC news coverage on the huge plasma screen TV's adorning the walls. Silence.
Broken, by laughter. Then followed by loud voices. Discussing how to apply the "MOOD methodology to The Company's High Tech Pipes, Tubes and Strings department". For fucks sake you knobs! Cold stares did nothing. Fingers held over lips made no difference.
Because The Officer is a twat. The Stumbler should know better. Their guest was a flash suited salesman making his pitch. As if he even gave a shit. He had potential pound signs in his eyes, no doubt putting his commission above all else. Wanker. But The Officer continued, rabbiting on about deploying Six-Sigma strategies, about RAEW/RAECI analyses. About "Systems Engineering thinking patterns". At some point about a minute in - flash SalesCunt seemed to have a moment of revelation, as did The Stumbler. Both looked embarrassed and suitably self-admonished. But The Officer carried on regardless. The silence was over. He had talked all the way through, continually using his hand signal speech marks to "quote" his phrases. As we stood outside all we heard faintly was this fucking monkey-brained cunt, inflated with his own self importance, wallowing in his smart-arsedness, flushed with an ego the size of Everest, talking complete and utter gobbledygook bollocks arsewankspeak.
Why didn't anyone say anything? Because we'd have to break the silence to do so. Because we're British and our over-riding sense of politeness steers us down a path of non-confrontation. Because we happily hold wankers likely this in silent contempt. Apparently someone did comment to him that he was "out of order". His alleged reply was along the lines of ".....sorry old boy...never realised...never mind......tragic wasn't it......" before walking off to god knows where.
Sometimes you just wish there was a rogue bolt of lightning around to help re-adjust his priorities.
Later, Grocerjack
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