Tuesday, 19 July 2005

Male Conundrum

So, Shagger Jude Law is up to his tricks again, having knobbed his childrens Nanny whilst still declaring an apparent undying love to the gorgeous Siena Miller. Not happy with having driven Sadie Frost a bit mad with his ....ahem........off screen "rehearsals" he seems intent on hitting the self destruct button on his relationship again.

All for a quick shag apparently.

So a rich, apparently talented, good looking, single (but engaged) bloke makes the news because his knob rules his head and heart.

The answers simple. He's a fucking bloke. It's what we do.

For this selfish act alone, allowing his worse nature to run his life, and then to bleat about it afterwards having been gratified he is immediately accepted into the Guild of Grumpy Blokes.

Later, GrocerJack

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