Thursday, 7 July 2005

How Could They?

Although not proven yet it does seem that some terrorist friends have had a right old pop at London today with bombs being detonated on tubes and buses. I'll wait before jumping to the (increasingly) obvious conclusions as to who are guitly, but lets face it, the IRA seem to be following a more political route these days, and this type of un-warned bomb isn't their trademark. The anti-capitalist anarchist twats may be responsible what with G8 and that, but in all honesty it has the trademarks of those Islamic Cunts Al-Quaeeda.

Hard to see no backlash occurring if that is the case and as wrong as that would be one can't help feeling that in some ways they need to see a similar message. Kill our people, and we'll kill yours.

Personally I don't want the perpetrators bought to justice. I want them killed, either slowly so they are aware of their impending fate, but even more so by ensuring their death brings no glory in the after life. That's what would genuinely put the fear into them. Bullets dipped in pig fat or pigs blood.

Whatever, its a real downer on a very up week for both London and the UK.

Later, GrocerJack

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