that the PC brigade are winning the battle and probably the war on how I (and you) live our lives. GMD works part time at the local leisure centre, and apparently very soon we will be forced into wearing swimming caps when we visit the pool. Are they fucking joking? Apparently its because of new Health and Safety legislation, although GMD's not sure what the specifics are and even the wonderful Google can't throw any light on what this might be. Apparently it's across the UK and possibly the EU, so its not even some local wanker making this rule. Perhaps there's an outbreak of dandruff that I'm not aware of, or some alopecia causing virus. Perhaps the bleeding heart liberal fuckwits have had too many bad hair days!
I read somewhere that Chlorine used in swimming pools bleaches hair and prospectively causes it to dry out and become brittle , but that was on a website for a company called Zoggs who .....errrrr...sell swimming caps! To the best of my knowledge no-one lost their hair through swimming, not even Duncan Goodhew (he lost his by falling out of a tree when just a young lad) for any smart arses who thought they might mention him.
Nope, I'm afraid the only real proper exercise I enjoy, and am reasonably good at has also fallen to victim to PC madness. As you might be aware, this is becoming a bugbear of mine and I will be looking out for even more examples of totally and utterly fucked up PC shite bollocks like this to whinge about.
Later, GrocerCap
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