Tuesday, 25 January 2005

Beer Hell......

These are my choices for the beers (sic) that should be consigned to Hell. It's fairly obvious I don't drink much lager except after golf, but that would never include any of these disgusting examples of decomposing chemical based piss . I have also included the incredibly toxic nerve agent Merrydown Cider, similar to Diamond White and a dead cert way of accelerating early Alzheimers by destroying brain cells more efficiently than if you poured neat sulphuric acid through a hole in your skull. Bollocks to bombing Iraqi insurgents, just fill em full of this stuff for a week or so and they'll be so fucking wasted you could sing them a lullaby into submission. Good lagers do exist but very few are on draught, but hats off to Becks, Dab, Hoegaarden (not a lager but a wheat beer and fucking gorgeous), any German beer served in Germany, Budweiser (the Czech one) and Grolsch. Of course real ales and my own tipple, the marvellous Guinness don't count in this because they do include malt, hops , yeast and barley.

Carlsberg, faux danish piss brewed in Putney

Circle I Limbo

San Miguel, Spanish faux Fosters piss. Revolting after one pint

Circle II Whirling in a Dark & Stormy Wind

Fosters and Castlemaine XXXX, Australian piss and vomit agent

Circle III Mud, Rain, Cold, Hail & Snow

Budweiser, yank tasteless watered down piss. Untrue

Circle IV Rolling Weights

Merrydown Cider, apple-less piss with violent attitude to brain and stomach

Circle V Stuck in Mud, Mangled

River Styx

Carling Black label, piss guaranteed to keep you sober but still make you vomit

Circle VI Buried for Eternity

River Phlegyas

Hofmeister, Bears piss. Not a hop or barley grain in sight

Circle VII Burning Sands

Harp Lager, vile chemical piss that didn't stay sharp to the bottom of the glass

Circle IIX Immersed in Excrement

Kestrel Lager, 29p a can, piss with added chemicals

Circle IX Frozen in Ice

Design your own hell

Later , GrocerJack

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