Thursday, 13 January 2005

Little (Minded) Britain.....

If ever there was a prime example of the piousness, political correctness and fucking pettiness that strangles this country, and is slowly choking it to death, then there can be no better one than the story of Prince Harry attending a fancy dress party wearing a swastika on his arm. Apparently he also wore a desert uniform similar to those worn by Rommel. Big fucking deal. The Prince has apologised for the offence he has caused, but is that enough? No, not for The Dirty Digger and his infected organ The Scum. No, forget the fact that it was a "Fancy Dress" party, forget the fact that this is a 20 year old man still finding himself and his place in life, forget that his mother was publicly hounded to her death, and that he was paraded as a sympathy victim for the world to see at the age of 12. Forget the affect all of this may have had on him, forget the pressures of being born into such a stifling and anachronistic system.

No, according to The Scum, Harry must be a Nazi sympathiser! Yes, he must by implication be anti-semitic and have the view that only a true Aryan race should inhabit the planet. That despite being rather gawky and ...errr.....ginger. Not only that, according to the former Armed Forces Minister, some virtually anonymous soundbite
MP called Doug Henderson has now stated that this transgression should prevent Harry joining the Army. Why would that be? Why does this one single event exclude him from attempting to join Her Majesty's (his Nan's) finest? How does the attendance at a PRIVATE party in freely available fancy dress stop him from becoming a stuck up arsehole commissioned officer? What if he hadn't worn it but his best mate had, and he'd been standing next to him? Would that also make him a Nazi sympathiser? If Harry was emulating his ancestor Edward VIII, who was also allegedly a friend of the Nazis' , then why would he think that such a public display would go unnoticed? Even if he was the most naive and insensitive person ever, surely he would know, and the Court advisors would tell him that such a public display of sympathy would be deemed unacceptable. I have attended various Fancy Dress parties over the years (I fucking hate them personally but being the odd one out is a worse fate) as The Grim Reaper, A Knight, even an Arab. Does that make me a death foreteller, a crusader intent on killing muslims or even a supporter of Osama Bin Laden? Of course it fucking doesn't but the sensation seekers would imply all of them, if I were a celebrity or politician. The press in this country are continually finding stories where they don't exist. You only have to look at the story printed last week regarding the broadcaster Kirsty Wark, enjoying a mutual family holiday with Jack McConnel, the First Minister of Scotland. Apparently that would compromise her neutrality. So now we can't even choose our friends in cas ethey pollute our views. I have very different politicsl views to most of my friends, but that doesn;t stop them being my friends, nor does it mean I'm likely to compromise my views because of what they think or feel.

I can see that this choice of dress by Prince Harry was a tad inadvised, but really the hysteria levels are utterly out of proportion for such a minor breach of protocol. I am not a Royalist either, so I'm not defending that fact I am firmly in the Republican camp and would gladly see the abolition of The Royal Family tomorrow ( nice means, not by shooting them or anything similarly sinister), but for fuck sake he has the same freedom of choice and expression as all of us. After all, he is a subject of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth. I am more encouraged by the fact that this young man is not treading the Prince Charles path of pretending to be a decent and honourable person, whilst hiding so many demons away and ultimately being a major contributory cause to the breakdown and downfall of a young naive and gullible woman.

But of course, he and his family will always shift newsprint. The editor of The Scum, the barking mad and extraordinarily thick Rebeka Wade is overseeing the decline of the importance of this paper, and the decline of it's sale and as such will publish any shit, no matter how true or false, no matter what the context in order to try and boost its flagging sales. You reap what you sow, and the days of The Scum are hopefully numbered as people start to get their news from less proprietary biased sources. The Scum, along with the Daily Fascist and the bleeding heart liberals have all contributed to, and are indicative a society which is riddled with PC bollocks, a society where freedom of choice and expression is merely a soundbite and doesn't really exist, a society of apologists whereby anyone slightly offended by anything needs some sort of public announcement of regret, or feels they can use this offence as a reason to harass, vandalise, maim or even injure the perpetrator of the offence. Witness, the fucking wankers burning TV licences outside the BBC before and during the broadcast of Jerry Springer : The Opera. Witness the storming of the Birmingham theatre showing the Sikh critical play Bezhkti. All signs of the growing hysteria and intolerance that is becoming endemic with the UK. In my view the root cause of this climate of intolerance and stupidity is the press and broadcast media propagating the view that everything is offensive in some way to someone, and then selling that as "news" and thus feeding the climate of paranoia and political correctness. If there is a God, then he/she must be on the verge of a nervous breakdown...which of course would be front page news to The Scum!

Later, GrocerJack

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