Tuesday, 20 April 2004


I am conscious of the fact that I haven't spouted an opinion on topical matters for a while so here goes with some bullet point views. I may elaborate later but time is of the essence....

1. ) Caron Keating's death - sad and tragic, although bemused at why I have reacted like this. She was a very good looking woman, with an amiable and warm personality, but I didn't know her personally. Perhaps it's just when someone roughly your age dies it rams home your own mortaility a little bit more. She was 41 - that's no age to die.

2.) Israel and their Plan for the Gaza Strip - yep, why not just further instil a culture and environment for more terrorism. These people are desperate and to them life is cheap because you have cheapened it for them. Why not just partition the West Bank etc off, give it to them, unconditionally and make the best of whats left. Put a wall up then if they still can't stand being next to you. Surely normal Israeli people have had enough by now. I'm not advocating a moderate approach here, but bombing and shooting the shit out of each other is going to work...ever. It's just a war of attrtition in the end.

3.) Spain pulling out of Iraq - hmmm a bit torn on this one. They are supposed to be allies, and this smacks of giving in to the terrorists. But then what do you do? Allow them to keep killing your citizens. I think Spain have decided to put their interests first. After all, they have done their bit, as have we. Perhaps it's time for us to pull out, or at the very least for the US to hand control over to the UN. I admired the French for not getting involved. It takes balls to stand up to the US under threat of economic sanction, but then they still have balls. The UK was castrated sometime ago. We are America's eunuch.

4.) Beckham - come to Chelsea son, come to Chelsea. This is a real tabloid hatchet job. Expose the affair (alleged), ruin the marriage, upset the kids, destroy reputations, demoralise the best footballer we have, feign sorrow over his loss of form, ruin lives.....SELL MORE PAPERS! Again, all I can say is WANKERS. The day I meet an honourable tabloid journalist is the day I skate across the icy wastes of Satans Little Hothouse.

5.) Referendum - bring it on and lets vote on the Euro as well. We are closer to Europe than America, and I for one could do with a bit of the French/Spanish/German/Italian attitude to life. And I wouldn't have to pay to draw my money out when on holiday!

Thats all for now, at a Seminar tomorrow, yup more Corporate Cheerleading no doubt.

Later, Grocerjack

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