Friday, 23 April 2004

Phew.....what a scorcher...

And not before fucking time. Dunno about you lot but doesn't the sun and warmth make you feel just that much better, a little more cheerful and energetic? Well, it does me. I could live with this weather all year round. Would I miss the rain...would I bollocks, let it rain at night and like Northern Spain we'd still be lovely and green, but we could plan things like Barbies, weddings,parties, golf, footie, whatever, in the certain knowledge that a bad day is the exception as opposed to the rule. Same tomorrow and Sunday from what I hear.

I played the Governor today in a matchplay game of golf in the pub competition. You guessed it, I played like a complete hacker. At one point I was digging new ditches for them with my clubs! I must have looked like a fucking windmill the way my arms were flailing around trying to hit that little white bastard. Mind you, one of the women in the group in front was........absolutely drop dead gorgeous. So, I didn't impress her much then!. Anyway the front 9 were crap, but the back 9 were much better but The Governor had won by the 14th hole (5&4) so after that I started to play even better. Perhaps its the "competition" bit that subconsciously I just can't do. Perhaps this happens because I play golf for pleasure, and competition adds a bit of tension and seriousness that maybe just undermines the pleasure aspect for me. Does such a thing as a golf shrink exist?

Tonight would be pub night but DC and the extended Coven have decided to have an impromptu girls night out. So I am lumbered with the kids, plus one of Teenagers mates called Sulky. I am not happy about this because it's just DC's 40th do, part 2. But I'll put up with it on the basis that this is a special week for her. But Friday night is my pub night, the only night I go out with friends. She has several lunches a week with her friends so it's not like I'm being unfair. However, this denies me my weekly Chelsea row with Mr Chelsea, and this week I was well up for it after the debacle of Tuesday. However tomorrow is Dads night out (yep sadly we rotate the girls/dads nights, so DC is also breaking the schedule tonight). No curry this time,just beer, but a depleted attendance. I dunno why but it seems to me that blokes just don't seem to want to go out even just once a month. Some of the excusues have been...feeble to say the least. I mean the GoGB goes out if its way to pre-notify everyone at least 4 weeks in advance of the Dads Night Out. Now, I'm a bloke and this much I know...blokes don't plan more than 2 days ahead, let alone 4 fucking weeks. We just aren't that capable. We're doers, not planners. Now DC can arrange things months in advance with the Coven, the extended Coven or on a really big do The Sisterhood (Extended Coven plus those on the fringes, those they don't know that well, those they've never met but have heard of, those who are invited because they have some salacious gossip, those who were the subjects of the infinitum). Anyway, if we get 6 I'll be happy. The current list is BigSykes (possible), Smallsykes, The Major (will be late), Strings (will be early so he can have an hour to himself without his wife or kids asking him to do things..good man), Me (now nicknamed Lord Farquad by the other Dads - the shortarse from Shrek for the uninitiated), The Lone Ranger and possibly The Hippy ( a new arrival from London, hubby of LittleSis's bestest friend The Henpecker). A bunch of 30/40 somethings, drinking beer, arguing and letching at women we will never, ever stand a chance with, even if we were single.

Sounds good when said like that.

Later, Grocerjack

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