Thursday, 1 April 2004

Thats me for a while.....

On my weekend now. Found a PC with Internet access, so time for a quick post. My mobile is off, my Blackberry is off and at home, my laptop is off and in my desk at work. I am technology free, to a degree. But it's like smoking, you think you can do without it, but I couldn't resist a last blog post before the serious (drinking, golf, letching, sleeping) stuff starts. The only technology I'll be dealing with is of the beer pump (Guinness), red wine glass, titanium head, graphite shaft, high distance/low spin ball and "how does this sauna work" type. It's a lovely feeling, I hope it's pissed a few of you off (in a nice way).

I just read Croxy's latest post with a comment from Rightgirl". I'm torn a bit here, because as a confirmed "champagne" socialist New Labour, without the nannying stuff type of person , I do think we should offer a haven to genuine political refugees, as long as other countries in and out of Europe share that burden equally. I do also think we should not give them equivalent benefits to our indigenous people (irrespective of colour) and that the use of camps is justified, provided they are decent, clean and habitable, and are NOT used as prisons. Although there's a good few of "our own" that should be stopped benefits as well, (I mean those that won't as opposed to those who can't). The good intentions of the bleeding hearts are shrouded in misguided ideas of helping others. What we are doing though is encouraging more to come to this country. I agree that the black and Asian communities in this country have added huge benefits to us, in culture, sport and politics. But we are a small overcrowded island and there has to be a limit to how many we can absorb before we end up with clashes of culture which lead to riots and possibly more terrorism.

A big subject for a blog post, I agree, and one that is always open to misinterpretation because I can't dedicate the time to fully explaining the premises of my arguments, and the conclusions. (blimey..Philosophy at work). I am NOT racist or nationalist (in fact I am close to being a republican), but I do care about my society and the one my kids will grow up and live in and that's why this debate needs to be out in the open, especially in light of what is being discovered about this governments policies today. Oh yeah, the minister quit, but the Head of the Civil Service Union was straight on the radio, defending his "members", who were just doing what they were told. And they have no spine? No balls? It smacked of "Ve Vas only following orders!"

On a happier note, Teenager sent me a text tonight, very loving with kisses at the end. I am going to give her the benefit of the doubt that she hasn't done something wrong and is trying to atone for the attitude problem this morning. How very forgiving of me....even I admit that sounds a bit...overly cynical. That's it for a few days, check back on Monday or Tuesday to find out how successful Bob6 was, how crap I was, how DC's trip to Espana was. Have a good one, whoever you are.....

Later, Grocerjack.

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