Thursday, 26 March 2020

Lockdown issues

Afternoon Mugs,

Fucking lockdown.

I work from home. I have routines. I have alarms set to get up and walk about. I have radio stations I like. The TV sits idle.

But now, my wife and youngest daughter (aged 25) are hom all day, being furloughed workers.

These have fucked up the following, in no particular order.

1.)  My peace and quiet. I usually have a bit of background radio on and nothing else. Now, if they're not chatting or shouting to each other, they're watching fucking box sets loudly on the downstairs TV. Oh and they are asking Alexa to play the most shit radio they can find...the sort of playlist crap that Radio 2, heart etc pump out.

2.) Spring cleaning. This has NEVER happened in any house since I was a kid and my mum used to do it religiously every year like all Mums did (calm down millenials, it was a different time back then) . Now my garage is being cluttered with shit that needs to go the dump but can't because they're all shut, or shit that's to be kept and stored elsewhere, or shit whose future is in the balance. A sort of shit purgatory. But my garage had order, and now it doesn't.

3.) The dogs are being walked by wife and youngest (HellsBells and Pie) every morning. Then I get the evening shift ON MY OWN! To be honest there's very few people about so that does suit me.  I'll grudgingly and grumpily acknowledge that as a positive.

4.) Deliveries. No not food deliveries. Deliveries of things for me. Gadgets, shirts, stuff for the dogs etc. I used to order this surreptitiously and the deliveries would come when everyone was out. Now the fuckers knock and walk away and I am suddenly found out. Bastards.

5.) Coffee. I have a Tassimo machine. I love the coffee. It lasts ages in terms of supply. Now with these two home it's getting drunk BY THEM! I have suggested some Nescafe Instant. This did not go down well. 

6.) I am home based for work, so nothing new for me here EXCEPT I am now plagued by 'can you help with this' or 'can you take this to the bin' or 'can you help me here' or 'are you busy?' . I haven't shouted 'FUCK OFF I'M WORKING '  but it's getting closer.

7.) Nap time. Sometime, after a sarnie at lunchtime...I either meditate in my attempt for some mindfulness in the peace and quiet or sometimes I plain out nap for 30 minutes or so. I believe it's called a 'power nap' and it works wonders for the afternoon shift. There is zero fucking chance of this. 

8.) They prefer The Chase to Pointless. Yeah....imagine that?

Fuck this , lets hope we're back to normal.

Later Mugs, GJ

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