Thursday, 2 January 2020

Happy new year and all that bollocks

Afternoon Mugs

Happy new year. 

I suppose. 

It starts with scenes even the most creative Hollywood producer couldn't add to, in the form of red skies and fire created lightning via the Australian Bushfires. I am actually a climate change believer, but I do think the hysterical extremist mobs are a bit much when they cry 'climate change' for every single weather event that happens. Yes, Australia is suffering 40 degree heat, but from what I see that ISN'T especially exceptional in some areas, but more so in the percentage of the country impacted. Maybe climate change is a factor, but no-one can specifically show this wouldn't have happened anyway or has never happened before. The cruel fact is bushfires aren't caused by spontaneous combustion via heat. No, they're caused by arson. Human actions of stupidity or malice, or both. A dry tree just doesn't catch fire due to the sun, neither does a patch of dry grass. Someone just chucks a lit cigarette out of window, or has a small bonfire caught of a gust of wind and .....well off it goes. The speed is what takes the culprit by surprise if it's unwittingly started....before they can get the hosepipe out the fire has spread ebbing the boundaries of their control and is now spreading like...errr......wildfire.  For the malicious...well fuck knows what goes through their mind when starting such. thing, but they need their jaws spinning around and a long stretch inside getting regularly...ahem...stretched. 

I hope the authorities get the fires under control and I hope they find the fuckwits who started them. And then bang them up somewhere where the only heat they feel is the stifling heat of a packed cell. 

Anyway, this has been the second driest Christmas on record for me. I had 4 pints on Christmas Eve. The days when that night was a raucous booze-up are long gone as I rather like to enjoy Christmas Dinner. This year I chose not to drink Christmas Day due to going to football on Boxing Day, and then hosting a Boxing Day evening with friends and my brother. I wanted to be match fit for that beer session. However Dragon Control was taken sick on Boxing Day with violent evacuations from both ends. The bedroom smelled like the Plague. Dog number 2 was also poorly with a dose of the trots caused by his cartoon demolition of a plate of Delia recipe sausage rolls. Boxing Day this year will be memorable for the amount of latex gloves I used in my role as nurse and vet, along with 5 full dishwasher loads to get rid of the washing up from Christmas Day. Football was binned, and the evening was canned as DC was unable to leave the bed. And so it went on, culminating in me copping a lighter version on Sunday, but a version which left me bedridden for the day. We both saw New year in alone together, in front of the TV with a small but potentially risky Baileys to toast the new decade. 

Our first day outside the house was yesterday, New Years Day 2020, with a 2 hour walk along the beach in Southsea and a pub meal with hot food...the first since Christmas Day! 

The one positive from this is I don't think I've gained any weight. And there is something to be said for not having a hangover on this precious days off with the family. But it wasn't exciting. next year I need something different for New year at least. 

Later Mugs, GJ

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