Morning Mugs,
Well that was a fun few weeks ...not. We've had weeks of obfuscation, lying, denials, made up stats, fake news, cowardice and arse-gravy bollocks talk all ending up with a serial liar running the country for the next 5 years.
Yes, you voted Tory to stick one on Labour with their shit leadership and Unicorn policies, but in doing so, you have made your own bed and will have to lie in it. And when you come fucking whinging and crying, I for one shall say 'fuck you' because you now deserve everything you get.
But that aside, where else could you have gone? The Lib Dems have been on life support since Nick Clegg decided to get into bed with the Tories of Cameron rather than the ideologically closer Gordon Brown. That I fear was a fatal mistake, despite the Lib Dems providing a brake on the rampant Tory-ism we could have seen then, and have seen since. No other party under 'first past the post' (FPTP) will eve again more than a few seats in the single digits. Unless of course the SNP decide to run in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. In which case they'd get my vote.
No, the field is now decidedly blue. The Tories have an 80 seat majority that even a 1997 Blair like swing won't be enough to get Labour back into power. The far left have such a grip on the party that they seem happy to accept 30 years plus in opposition, a weak and ineffective opposition still plying their vastly unpopular far left policies in the hope the electorate wilt and decide it's the best way. Hell genuinely has a chance of appearing, then freezing over before that happens.
In my lifetime of voting, 40 years exactly now, I have seen one Labour leader win an election, and he won three on the bounce, matching the best the Tories have ever won consecutively. Tony Blair. Now I realise he can get people's anger up over Iraq, but the truth is we had to back Bush and the US in that campaign, that's our treaty under both the UN and NATO. And the hard fact is, Saddam was an evil cunt that did need removing. They should have taken Mugabe, and whichever Kim was in charge of North Korea out as well.
My bigger point is that holding Blair as a bad leader for one fuck up, when Thatcher is lauded, although she allowed the Argies to walk in to the Falklands and engineer a war to bolster her popularity, is hugely hypocritical. Just about everything else was pretty good. And let's be honest, no government is fuck up free. Labour needs to recapture the centre ground. It needs to realise that when you tell the centre moderate eft to fuck off as they are Tory lite, then don't be surprised when they do.
Labour needs to realise that blaming Blair, Campbell, the Lib Dems, the Greens, Brexit, the mainstream media and for all I know, the fucking boogie is never going to get them into power. Moderate, progressive, meritocratic socialist policies can win the public over if delivered by a party of reason, that embraces a broad church and isn't anti-semitic and despatches the far left idiots to the Communist Party. Without that, then it faces decades of obscurity. See that Tony Blair fellow? He knew how to win. Learn the lesson from him, learn the lessons of this embarrassing defeat. Until you win then your ability to change anything is fuck all, zero, zilch.
Later Mugs, GJ
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