Friday, 27 September 2019

52-48 - the ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction.

Morning Mugs,

We are not the Mother of all Parliaments, or if we are then we are a bat-shit crazy, alcohol riddled version of one. The one where Mum drinks a couple of bottles of wine, then a few gins and then decides the future direction of the family. Whilst physically and verbally abusing the family and telling them just how much they've ruined her life. All happening whilst Dad sits in the corner on the fence, quietly smoking his pipe and trying to reason in gentle tones but getting shouted down at every turn. Downtrodden and browbeaten into servility and his supine version of the quiet life.

This week an unelected faux-PM used words like 'surrender' and 'betrayal' to describe Brexit and the 16.1m who voted Remain. Yes, 16.1m people are being told to shut the fuck up and back off. So that a Brexit can be forced through with no deal, impacting a huge number of the terminally stupid who voted us out. 

And once done, then we'll be told to unite, to be a United Kingdom again. Scotland will be told they're better off in one union but not the other. It isn't a Union, Scotland will be ruled by England. They will be Vichy Scotland. In effect they already are and have been for  centuries. I really hope they get their collective senses together and decide to leave. The idea they can't survive without England is laughable. After that I think (and hope) that the people of Northern Ireland (NI) also come to their senses and decide that England will do fuck all for them, and that England doesn't have the money post-brexit to give them what they received from the EU. A unified Ireland would regenerate NI and it's people.

And then Wales. Wales voted to stay so as far as I'm concerned it can continue as an annexe to England. When I see the closures of plants and businesses across Wales I genuinely think why the fuck should I, as an Englishman bail them out? You reap what you sow etc.....

Please note I am also Irish as due to a great fortune my Mum was Irish and therefore one of my greatest treasures is my Irish passport. The best of both worlds, except that one half of those worlds is collapsing in a hurricane of piss, bile and vitriol. One half has become racist, bigoted, homophobic, and is lurching inexorably to becoming a far right state. When that is complete then I'm off to Ireland (or maybe France) and by hook or by crook my family will be given every chance to come with me.

By rights, London which generates huge amounts of wealth for the UK, more than any other economic area,  would have great case to declare independence. It could take control of the money it generates. It could get itself ready to put border controls around it and London would be an independent country. It would still be more populous than Wales, NI and Scotland. 

United Kingdom? It will never be unified again. It remains England versus the rest. Scotland versus England. NI versus England. North versus South. Young versus Old. Left versus Right. Family versus Family. And as we can see from the family of the faux-PM we have, it has even pitched brother versus brother and sister versus brother. 

Leave versus Remain will never ever disappear. The country is fractured, shattered beyond repair to the point that even if Russia invaded then it would be welcomed by many. Even a war wouldn't heal the wounds. 

It's fucked. Even a Peoples Vote won't repair the damage. It's the equivalent of being on a sinking ship where 52% of the people voted to sink it and don't care that it's sinking as long as the ship is no longer in the harbour. 

Later Mugs, GJ

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