Friday, 1 February 2019

Everything that's wrong with religion

Morning Mugs,

I'm an atheist. Out, proud and loud. There is no God. It's a fairytale perpetuated over thousands of years in order to oppress people into behaving in certain ways that meet the approval of the prudish, pompous and pious pricks and keep them in power. Yes it has some good bits, a moral compass of good and bad, but for some religions their good is another bad and vice versa. Definitions of good and bad are easily overcome we just educate children to see the obvious bad and the obvious goods. No need to use a fire and brimstone threat at all. 

My atheism followed years of catholicism, lapsed catholicism, agnosticism until reading The God Delusion made my mind up. I do think there are huge gaps in evolutionary theory, and I am unconvinced we don't have. soul or something that exists after the mechanical bits have failed. But that's another post. 

But read the link below, and then you'll see why I dislike religion. I disregard it's world viewpoint. Faith schools are hives of sectarian prejudice and belief that devalues our lives on this planet. It reduces life to a passage to something unproveable -  an airport terminal to an eternity of pleasure or torture. No middle ground as life currently gives us. Ups and downs to lift and challenge us. If we have something afterwards I hope it's rather like we have now with less extremes of privilege and right.

I say to all faith schools and religious zealots - get in the fucking sea!

Later Mugs, GJ

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