Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Bugger off winter

Morning Mugs,

I'm 57 now.  After all the years of other enjoying the romantic notion of nights closing in, getting wrapped up in warm clothes for walks on wind and rain blown promenades by the sea, turning the heating up, sitting in front of the fire etc etc......I've had enough. Bollocks to all that. All it means to me now is colds, flu, aches and pains. 

And therein lies the some point in your life you move from being youthfully resistant to all the travails winter might throw at you to being vulnerable to everything and anything blowing in the wind. The bloody cold wind. Now, in part this vulnerability is also no doubt due to the presence of grandchildren, of which I now proudly have of 3 (nearly 4) and one of 4 months (aaah). I have long held the theory that children immune system is in some way supplemented by the ability to pass the ailment on, so that they recover quickly whilst the parents/grandparents walk around with sachets of Lem-Sip and bottles of Covonia to hand. Add the Ibuprofen, the Co-codamol, the Gaviscon, the Imodium, the anti-histamines and for the more extreme of us, the Diazepam and suddenly grandparents, in particular, become sort of mature walking pharmacies. Now, I rarely leave the home for any weekend break without a full toiletries bag of various medicines and things like blister plasters. 

And people ask me why I carry a mini man bag with me! 

And so we experience a run of days (5 so far) of glorious weather, not dissimilar to that we experienced in Budapest. Unbroken blue skies and sunshine. In fact the last 3 days have edged close to 20 degrees. I have walked very day and everyone is just a bit happier. More people smile, kids are out playing and there is a general feeling Spring is imminent. of course this time next weeks it'll no doubt be 6 degrees and miserable, but it does make me yearn for the warmer months more and more each year. 

Oi could in fact live in a climate whereby 21 degrees was the norm every day, where sunshine was the default mode. I would be happier, fitter and healthier. Does such a place exist?

Later Mugs

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