Afternoon Mugs
Dear India,
I quite like the idea that you're a tiger economy. I think Indian culture has an awful lot to offer the world. I think your people have massively contributed and influenced the UK in terms of many things, not least of all food, art, fashion and music amongst many things.
I grew up in the 60s and 70s when many, including myself through ignorance treated many of your people as second class citizens and were frankly racist to you. As I said, it was ignorance and institutionalised and inherited views that made me that way until I was about 12 or 13. Education opened my eyes to the folly of discrimination and racism. it let me smash urban myths and downright lies amongst my equally misguided friends and colleagues, who like me knew little better. Of course some remained vehemently anti anything 'not British', but fuck 'em, they're proper wankstains.
However, please, please do something about the scourge on yours and our society of exploiting people to work in call centres, and tasking them to cold call people in the UK with lies about the performance of their PC (when like me they don't have one). Add that the other rubbish about surveys or other products we don't need or want and it all becomes a bit pernicious, especially to vulnerable people who might be lonely or old or have mental health issues.
In other words, stop this shit now. Until then, a plague on all your houses.
Later Mugs, GJ
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