Morning Mugs,
So the fuckwittery of the Trump administration continues with the village idiot Sean Spicer actually making Trump look intelligent as he stumbles over the right wording to use when discussing Hitler and Holocausts.
Holocaust centre? Yes he meant concentration or death camp. I mean, why even try to change what they were?
'Even Hitler never stooped to using chemical weapons' - yes because that Zyklon B was such an organic and nice way to kill people wasn't it?
I don't buy the holocaust denial theory here, I just buy the theory that this is a massively stupid bloke who spends every moment he's alone screaming and drooling amongst the tears of pain at knowing he is a massive spunkbubble who is massively out of his depth. It can't be easy knowing you're a complete amoeba brained cunt can it?
He reminds me of this guy, but hugely stupid and ignorant, whereas this poor chap was merely the wrong man in the wrong time and wrong place.
BBC Interview Taxi Driver in error
On top of this we have the fuckwitttery of King Fuckwit himself, Boris Fuckwit Johnson, stomping around in his Foreign Fuckwit Secretary role, trying to influence the G7 into applying 'more' sanctions to Syria (yes that will help the ordinary people dying) and Russia (like they give two fucks). Sadly for Boris, such is the UK's (which I will forever now refer to as the DK - Divided Kingdom) diminished standing on the world stage, the G7 basically told him to fuck off and refused to sanction the ....err....sanctions idea. They've unsanctioned your sanctions you Eton educated fat mumbling prick.
On a more serious point, we have to note that the way ahead for the DK is of course diminishing importance and relevance globally. The idea that we will cosy up to the US might be true, but at the expense of our close ties with the EU. It's the equivalent of a 7 year old in school who chooses his or her best friend on a daily basis based on the amount of sweets they donate. The US won't give a fuck about us any more than someone who's put their ageing gran in a home. Yes, they'll say the odd nice word here and there, yes they'll talk about the 'special relationship' which is special to us only, not them. But eventually the US will look at it's biggest markets and it's strongest allies....we won't be there.
And don't give me the bollocks about our history making us deserving of our place on the world stage. Our Imperial history plays some part in the roots of the world's problems now. If you want to know where the DK stands around the world then look at the England football team. They are no power in the world of football. Bugger all influence on UEFA or FIFA, a team of perennial underachievers living off of past glories (glory). England are a team of hopefuls saying the right things and then being spoken of in amused tones by the true giants of Germany, Italy, Spain, Brazil etc. No-one is scared or worried about England. Ditto the UK. Nobody cares about us. Nobody listens to us. We are increasingly irrelevant.
And this may be no bad thing. As a Chelsea fan I know how draining being hated constantly can be, despite the bravado of saying 'nobody likes us, we don't care'. But after the decline of last season, we became a non-news issue. Irrelevant. We were shit. And people stopped talking about us. And I loved it. This season, a polite and seemingly passionate but decent man is in charge. The same with England. Both are quietly building something different, something with managed expectations. Humble, yet slowly rebuilding confidence.
Maybe that's what the DK needs. Someone elected (not you May, you can fuck off as well) who can establish our new place in the world and convince the Oxbridge/Eton muppet brigade and the Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells mewling masses that being mid-table is fine. We'd become a Sweden, a Norway, a Portugal. A mini Canada, which is much nicer than a mini-US. Quietly plodding along in the world, much as every ordinary person does in life. Barely noticed, minding it's own business, doing the best it can in a tough world. Expecting little and enjoying every gain more. Anonymous.
Yeah that would be fine.
Later Mugs, GJ
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