And so it ends.
After 5 years or so of trying to express to others, the the ups and downs of my life, the things I've liked, loved and hated, the things that have angered, frustrated and inspired me and the various characters who play a part in my life, I'm off.
It all started through the boredom of a job I hated and the wasting affect it had on my annoying, questioning, challenging mind. And it was anonymous. The mistake I made was letting those close to me in on the secret, and that immediately closed down an avenue of writing as I could no longer truly write what I thought of people, despite keeping them anonymous. As word grew it became obvious to the the readers who knew me who others were and it just took the sting away a bit. If I ever do this again, it will remain my secret and that's that.
Now I'm in a job which is a crossroads point for me, the fun has worn off and I'm battling to move the team forward and the choice for me is coast through life moaning but accepting my lot, or keep bashing away annoying the fuck out of Billyboy, The Tub Thumper (now my boss again) and all of the rest of the Ivory Tower inhabitants it is my misfortune to have to work for. I can't write about that forever though.
I keep busy writing occasional articles for Chelseablog, and am looking now at how to sate the creative aspects of my life as technology changes. Podcasts fascinate me and there's a Chelsea fans one I might try and gatecrash.
The social media and networking phenomenon is fast rendering blogs as less and less relevant and it's no coincidence that the blogs people want to read are now focused on specific topics, be that sex, football, politics, media or whatever. When I started , blogging was new and exciting but the blogosphere has become so huge and so full of similarity and mediocrity it's hard not to get ground down. I find myself rather enjoying the challenges of middle age and Facebook and Twitter. Facebook I've cracked, Twitter is still to be proven to me as a useful way of communicating or keeping in touch.
I still want to write, but am serious about drafting a novel, or a play....or even scripts, but for me the blogging adventure is over...not dead....just asleep and who knows when or if Grocerjack will ever wake up. All good things must end and right now it feels like that to me. The site will remain for as long as allowed without being updated and well...never say never....but as far as I can tell, this is it.
As The Dragons would say, "I'm out"
Thanks to everyone who's ever read or commented. It was fun.
Au revoir mes amis, GJ