Thursday, 15 October 2009

Cash for gold?

I'm in the throes of recovering from a hernia operation which has meant I've been immobile for a couple of weeks. This has meant I've been able to sample the delights of daytime TV. Using the word 'delights' loosely of course. Still, it also gave me the chance to catch up on all the stuff I've got on the V+ box. More of which is to follow.......

One thing that has struck me is the plethora of adverts that are being shown asking us to sell them our gold. That's right, apparently we can swap our 'unwanted' gold for heaps of lovely cash. Cue an endless stream of actors playing ordinary folk giving testimonials as to how great the service was and how good the feel of cash of them even got enough cash for an 'away game in Europe'. As I type this on comes an advert showing a tiny handful of gold jewelery in one hand, and a wad of notes in the other and a voice over extolling the virtues of using the cash for a trip abroad.

Is it just me or does this appear to be a final sign that the recession is biting hard? These sort of adverts seem to me to prey on the more vulnerable and desperate in society. I mean it will be the most desperate and vulnerable people who will respond to this. A field day for burglars one imagines as well, after all whats to stop this being nothing more than legalised fencing. You break in, or con someone out of their jewelery, go home, send it off and or whoever hands you a wad of cash, whilst conveniently melting down the swag to turn into nice bullion bars or reshaped trinkets. I just have to sit and wonder how this is being legally advertised.

I'd say its money for old rope, but in these cases it's money for old bling.

Later, GJ

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