Wednesday, 20 May 2009


Yesterday, The Company announced a worldwide profit of £4.2bn. On the same day, Marks and Spencers announced a profit of £604m. Both companies saw a significant downturn in profits from previous years. However, what seems to have passed the financial press and city wankers........sorry cunts........sorry analysts....sorry both the previous descriptions were more apt, is the fact that there is a GLOBAL RECESSION. Yep, in big fuck off letters that even the most apathetic person could understand. Money is in short supply, jobs are being discarded like toilet paper after a bad curry, people are tightening belts and companies are cutting costs.

The world economy is at the moment royally fucked.

Let me put that into perspective.

£4,200,000,000 profit for The Company. Another way of putting this is £479,452 per hour.

£604,000,000 profit for Marks and Spencer. That’s £68,950 per hour.

However, reading the financial press, and listening to the baying mob of so called financial experts being wheeled out across the world of TV and Radio, one might be foriven for thinking that this was nothing short of a catastrophe. I'll put that down to sloppy bandwagon jumping reportage provided by people with the sole intention of furthering their journalistic careers in the pay of the very proprietors who support the systems that caused this economic downfall. As for the so called impartial BBC, like the egotistical Jeff Randall and his ilk, they are all hoping for the big payday offer from Rupert Murdoch or similar to work for them and continue the propaganda machine's muck spreading of the slurry of New Capitalism.

Am I on a different planet? We get told there's no pay rise, and we stick £4.2bn in the bank? Marks and Spencer turn in handsome profit in the cut throat world of high street retailing and the shareholders wring their hands in dismay at the thought of poorer returns? The institutional shareholders at M&S then have the gall to start calling for the head of the man (Stuart Rose) who lest it be forgotten, rescued them from going under or being bought out and asset stripped and then returned this profit when shopping malls and high streets are emptier than Sir Fred Goodwin’s sense of morality?

How in anyones name can these results be construed as bad news? Yet due to the greed of the city gamblers, some pension funds will be affected, as their analysis and comment drives down the share price. Great results still lead to huge share price falls and all we can do, the honest saver or small time shareholder or employee or pensioner can do is watch as scumbag gamblers in the city act as judge and jury on how well a company has done.

All driven by how much they're likely to make.

And therein lies the problem. The word 'capitalise'. As in Capitalism, or rather the twisted excessive greed driven version allowed to run riot by cowardly left wing governments or power craven parasitic right wing governments. Spineless Chief execs, quaking in their designer shoes, unwilling or unable to tell these city parasites to fuck off for fear of losing their jobs are as guilty as well.

Capitalism, the nouveau ultra greed ridden version is far from dead.

Political change of the radical type is required. Our weedy, ineffective, inefficient and morally corrupt version of democracy will never change anything. Proportional representation might help as every vote counts in forming the final 'colour' of the government. Hell, I'd even accept 10 years of dictatorship if that’s what it took to change things and put the power back in the hands of the people.

How shit must things be to even entertain that idea?!

Later, GJ

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