Slow news week?
Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross are everywhere across the broadcast and press media thanks to a phone prank which at best was ill advised but is hardly the stuff to be headlining the news is it? Driving home yesterday the normally excellent Drive programme on 5 Live spoke of more or less nothing else.
So whilst people are losing jobs and homes, companies are being laid to waste, a banking and financial system so hideously full of corrupt and crooked gamblers continues to destroy our pension hopes, soldiers continue to die fighting illegal and pointless wars and the worlds self appointed Policeman starts to choose its next leader, the UK and its' Daily Mail worshipping fuckwit moral minority screams for the heads of two popular presenters who screwed up.
I'm no fan of either, Russell Brand's type of humour leaves me cold. I'm funnier than him by a country mile. Ross is a good film reviewer but a shit chat show host. Again I'm funnier than him by a long way, but the difference with me is I would be interested in what the guest has to say, whereas Ross is all about himself. Don't get me wrong here, what they did was puerile and inappropriate. They deserve censure for sure and a warning on future behaviour. But sacking?
And for MP's and then Gordon Fuckwit to feel the need to get involved defies belief. Listen you pricks...YOU DON'T SPEAK FOR ME so stop saying you represent 'the public'. Most of the public couldn't give a shit. The 18,000 complainants are bandwagon jumping morons without a sense of proportion or reason. It's obvious now that it's not about what they did, but more about how much they earn, or whether they're liked. I'm a tub thumping socialist of the champagne variety and this smacks of snobbery, elitism, moralism and the politics of envy. They may earn a lot but someone thinks that's value and for everyone like me who doesn't rate their 'talent' there's someone who does.
It's the same for MPs or public figures who have affairs. Sacking, why? What business is it of anyone's who they screw, eat with or drink with? Do I look at these people for a moral steer? Not in a million years. George Osborne takes a freebie on a Russian Oligarchs boat. Sack him they cry. Why? Do we assume guilt? Or is innocence now the thing to be proven whilst guilt is assumed? Who wouldn't accept a freebie like that to get a few free glasses of champagne?
My point is this. Our so called Christian society, allegedly built on justice and fair play now seems to be lurching inexorably towards a 'hang 'em high' society led by intellectually challenged, moralistic, fucktards living by the politics and values of The Daily Mail. My tax money is being wasted in Parliament by discussions on trivial issues such as this raised by publicity seeking MP's with no sense of reality. I'd like my money back please because I funded that waste of time in Parliament yesterday, and I funded MP's who felt it OK to waster public time and money with soundbite TV and radio interviews on what is ultimately a non-subject. Oh and Jonathan Ross went to see Andrew Sachs personally and apologise with a hand written letter and flowers. A decent response and a display of admirable regret. Good enough for Sachs apparently, but not good enough for the bleeding heart self appointed public guardians with too much time on their hands.
Is that what we really want? If it is then I'm off to somewhere that doesn't care less.
Later, GJ
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