Amidst all the bollocks around global financial collapse, caused by greedy, spineless, loathsome, pin-strip suited cunts (apologies ........that word is only reserved for people getting the full GrocerJack wrath), and the ensuing media clamour to escalate the news to levels of Armageddon like doom, as each arm from broadcast to print tries to outdo their rivals with more and more sexy bad news, along comes an article on page 2 of a major UK national newspaper which truly gladdens the heart.
Click here to follow the link and have a read.
Now isn't that the exact sort of thing we should be spending money on instead of paying obscene amounts of money to fat cats presiding over failed business models? Or lining the pockets of even greedier shareholders? Or paying obscene bonuses to the merchant bankers as a reward for GUESSING and GAMBLING? Or underpinning corrupt banks and financial institutions with money we've paid in tax to bail out there dismal failed business logic, so that one day they can get rich again and pay their shareholders the profits of our toil, whilst charging us interest to borrow money we've already leant them?
Hats off to The Guardian as well for breaking the mould and publishing such a potentially good news story and giving it such a high profile place in their august organ.
Later GJ
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