Do you think you live in a free country?
As a society in the UK, can we consider ourselves really free?
Is it just me, or does it appear that with every passing day under Rab C Nesbitts….sorry……. Gordon Brown's increasingly shambolic and incompetent government, which shames the Labour Party and Labour movement, that someone somewhere is trying to introduce a new piece of legislation that further diminishes our right to choose?
Is there no end to the constant stream of Nanny Government missives, diktats and arselikhan mandarins suggesting new laws, codes of practice and guidelines be introduced in order to ensure we, the ordinary people of the country do the apparent right thing?
We’ve seen the government spend our money on an independent report on the classification of Cannabis and then totally ignore the recommendations. Apparently they know better than the medical experts who were commissioned to produce the report.
Now, with the success of the smoking ban making pubs nicer places to go, increasing the number of people giving up and reducing the number of people starting from the outset, they are turning their attention to the demon drink. Barely a day goes by without some stark warning about the imminent collapse of society through drinking. Rab’s even gone as far as to commission a report on drinking hours in pubs……yeah that’s right..because pubs are so full of alcoholics aren’t they? Don’t most alcoholics drink irrespective of location? It’s the supermarkets fault if you believe one point of view because they sell booze so cheaply. Hmmm……but our booze is the dearest in Europe…..how does that work then? Supermarkets and Off Licences could ensure stricter controls on who they sell to, but there’s always someone willing to buy the stuff and then pass it to youngsters. It was the same in my day when we got our cheap alcohol thrills from a chemical nasty called Pomagne. If drinking is worse now than in the 1970’s then deal with it through education at schools, not by penalising the majority of sensible people who meet in the pub once or twice a week for a social chat.
We’re under constant attack for being fat. The word Obese has a dictionary meaning of ‘grossly overweight’ but nowadays applies to someone carrying an extra pound or two above the media view of what looks good, and some obscure Government formula for height and weight that makes every one of the England Rugby team obese. Like the word ‘gay’ has been abused by the homosexual community, so the word ‘obese’ has been kidnapped by the body fascists. Our food is apparently bad, but paradoxically we live longer, and with prices rising we’re still under daily assault to eat healthy foods which the Supermarkets charge a premium for.
Now we have a bunch of dickless, do-good, namby pamby, sandal wearing experts pushing for health warnings on food, preventing legitimate organizations like McDonalds from advertising and generally trying to make us all live off home grown lettuce and carrots. Yes, McDonalds is bad for you IF YOU EAT IT EVERY FUCKING DAY!!!!!!! But once in a while, as most people use it, isn’t harming anyone.
Another load of ‘we know better than you’ bollocks came last week in the news that Greater Manchester councils are considering imposing 18 certificates on films that display smoking. Now I might be wrong here, but smoking isn’t actually illegal except in certain places is it? On 5 Live they interviewed one of these Nanny Councillors (the intriguingly named Basil Curley) who said this move was all about ‘education’ and that youngsters took their leads from screen idols. Hmmm…..so if Christian Bale smokes, a whole bunch of 15 year olds will also go out and smoke. Anyone see the flawed logic in this? If a 15 year old hasn’t started smoking by the age of 15 I reckon there’s a fair chance he or she is not going to be starting. And aren’t they more
likely to smoke by seeing their parents smoke? We educate the kids in school and at home, do we really need Draconian bollocks like this to ram home the message?
In Friday’s Guardian, an article from yet another shitneck fucking Doctor preaching that we need to have fewer children in order to save the planet. And I thought it was the UK not China.
In essence hardly a day goes by without more useless scientific or survey information being paraded as ‘News’ associating everything to a ‘cost on society’. Every day you’ll hear of new laws being planned or implemented which further undermine our right to choose or do.
When was the last time you heard of any laws being repealed?
There has to be a tipping point. Italy looks like its lurching to the right and I reckon this will be the start of ideological shifts across Europe to either left or right. When democratically elected Governments start to dampen people’s rights and freedoms then it breeds political extremism. Even in our apathetic ‘can’t be arsed’ UK society something has to give.
Just look around you and see the society we live in, the warnings on food, on the roads, on buses, on drinks and lyric warnings on CD’s. Everywhere you turn it’s a Health and Safety warning or a Legal Notice. We’re a society living under petty bureaucracy and pompous moral high ground fuckwits obsessed with telling others how to live, what to eat, what not to eat, what to wear, what to drive, what to read, what to watch, what to listen to, what to drink, where to go, where you can’t go, where you shouldn’t go, who you should and shouldn’t talk to, how to behave, what’s right and what’s wrong.
Big Brother is watching us.
Eat less, drink less, smoke less, fuck less, sunbathe less, travel less.
Live life to the least.
Freedom? My Arse!
Later , GJ.
I know EXACTLY how you feel and you're one of only a few people I know who can actually see the screw being turned tighter. Its a fucking outrage. I bet that cock Brown has control over the weather too because maybe WE LOOKED LIKE WE WERE HAVING TOO MUCH FUN IN THE 4 DAYS OF SUNLIGHT WE HAD A FEW WEEKS AGO.