Well people, the dust has settled after the reorg....sorry ...transformation and despite the best efforts of Queen Wasp (formerly Beach Babe...I will update The Players in good time of course) it became the ritual slaughter of good people we expected.
Of course her style, her apparent friendliness, the blonde hair, the certain look in her eye and an easy smile (to quote the great Roger Waters) allowed us all to be duped, but in the end good people walked and complete arseholes remained. It's all down to role, not ability or loyalty you see.
Quoting Roger again " You have to be trusted by the people that you lie to, so that when they turn their backs on you, you'll get the chance to put the knife in"
It's all a crock of shit and hopefully I will dedicate 20 minutes per day to writing an article here for your perusal, which over time will explain the .........bollocks of the last few months. Yes, I've been slack, but it's a combination of laziness, misery and a period of reflection on whether to decide if Jack should be woken from his self induced coma. No promises here, but I might just be full of inspiration again!
Anyway. Doctor Who? Fucking brilliant. The series goes from strength to strength and the latest series is no exception, far outstripping its predecessors for excitement, humour, fear and unbelievable beautifully written pathos just top make the girl's cry and men complain about something in their eye. The last 3 episodes finished the story arc off superbly with the iconic sight of the Tardis being piloted as it should be by 6 people for the first time ever. Awesome. As per usual the Doctor was played brilliant by David Tennant who has thankfully cut back on the gurning and grinning since Rose departed. Of course she was back for the end, but sensibly the role cut back a bit until a fitting re-union with the Doctor-Donna clone. But this brings me to the point of why the last 3 episodes and the whole series was an improvement.
Catherine Tate. Yep, after wholesale Whovian derision on the announcement of Catherine Tate as the new 'companion' by, frankly, sad idiots who can't separate her sketch show characters from her portrayal of someone by the process of acting. Something she is trained to do. She has in fact been the best of the companions to date. Instead of fawning over the Doctor like Rose did and indulging in annoying lovey-dovey dualist banter, nor adopting martha's doe-eyed approach (I love him but he hasn't noticed me) , Catherine tate played the part of the sympatehtic and critical humanist. She made The Doctor think about what he did, she bought common sense to the decisions of him and others. She cried at tragedy and showed bravery in the face of great peril. She really bought the audience into how living with someone like The Doctor could be both enlightening and frightening. She deserves a BAFTA for her performances throughout, but especially for the tragic and desperately sad ending involving the 'reset' button technique so beloved of Russell Davies for overall stories. Except this time this was for one person, whose life had been made so much better and yet she would know nothing of it.
Being Doctor Who of course, she may well return, but I have a feeling Catherine Tate will resist any attempts to bring her back. The character has closure and despite not being the happiest ending, she has her life as it always had been before she met The Doctor.
I didn't use my hankie once...honest.
A quick word as well for the superbly portayed Davros, by a guy called Julian Bleach. Wow. The best Davros by far, with a beautifully understated yet potent menace to his voice, and great mannerisms even if restricted to the right arm! His speech about "All the Stars and all the planets and all the people will become dust, and the dust will become atoms, and the atoms will become nothing' was delivered in a superb whispered menace just hinting at the great victory he expected. Truly a scary and iconic villain, now firmly lodged in Whovian folklore with his creations , The Daleks.
All in all superb family TV, which Baby nearly cried at, Hells Bells stated she didn't, MiddleSis and LittleSis admitted the tears and which Teenager also succumbed to. When the series returns with a new Executive Producer in 2010 it can only go from strength to strength.
Later, GJ
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