Thursday, 29 November 2007

Simple solution

Ms Gillian Gibbons is currently on trial in Sudan for Inciting Religious Hatred or some similar bollocks trumped up charge. Apart from the outrage of arresting someone for something so trivial (and yes, to all Muslims, this is trivial) it just goes to show just how far behind us some of these 3rd world tin pot countries are

As a dyed in the wool socialist who believes in a fairer society that looks after those that can’t, and should ignore those that won’t, I find events like this test my in-built abhorrence of racial or religious intolerance. In fact my intolerance of all religions, with the exception maybe of the “harm no-one or nothing” Buddhist type ones, is growing all the time. Radical Christianity is as bad as Fundamental Islam any day of the week. It’s actually heartening to see the Muslim community in this country actually show some balls and condemn this petty and vindictive act.

So, no wishy washy, do goody, slapped wrist type actions from me. If I was Mr G. Brown Esq of 10, Downing Street the simple solution would be this – if this woman is not released with free pardon and allowed to come back home we will cut off all financial aid and supplies to Sudan, and we will stop all UK business with or in Sudan with immediate effect. The diplomats will be thrown out of the UK, no more refugees or immigrants will be accepted and any Sudanese person found in this country illegally will be deported without any leave to appeal on the same day.

Yes, the poor starving people of Darfur might suffer even more but the Sudanese will have bought this on themselves. Go on, disagree with me….

Later, Grocerjack

1 comment:

  1. no disagreements here - it was a petty and stupid act. people need to chill out a little.

    found this the other day, you might like it :) judging by what you wrote here


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