I forgot my Friday Crap Jokes
Boxers don't have sex before a fight. Know why that is?
They don't fancy each other.
I hate those emails where they try to sell you penis enhancers. I got 10 just the other day.
Eight of them from my girlfriend.
It's the two from my mum that really hurt.
The dodo died. Then Dodi died, Di died and Dando died... Dido must be shitting herself.
My parents are from East London which means they're incredibly hard, but I was never smacked as a child ... well maybe one or two grams to get me to sleep at night...
The doorbell and when I answered there was a 6ft beetle there. it smacked me in the mouth and called me a wanker.
Apparently there's a nasty bug going round.
Groaning, Grocerjack
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