As I alluded to earlier, my posts have been affected by a combination of laziness, apathy and work. Well, after this short-ish break from writing the laziness should have disappeared, the apathy I’m afraid is still infecting just about every area of my mind and body. I just can’t be arsed with very much at the moment. Call it pre-Spring lethargy. I’m just about to emerge from a semi-hibernation state as the days thankfully get longer, the temperature rises, the sun feels warmer, and everything ids just that much brighter. I am most definitely NOT a winter person.
1.) Budget Forecasts – this is laughable. We sit around trying to estimate what we need for the forthcoming year, usually in September. Then we meet monthly after that to witness the people seated at the Big Table report back on what has been “challenged” and to watch our hard worked calculations be reduced to a derisory amount barely above “fuck all”, whilst these corporate bollocks gobbledygook indoctrinated Senior Muppets laughably attempt to “lead” and “inspire” us to execute the “Vision” of delivering more but spending less. Apparently we should see the budget slashing exercise as a “challenge” and not a “constraint”. Interesting ploy this – asking suppliers to cut their charges but give us more is one element of this. I wonder what would happen if I tried to buy a pint of Guinness in my local (£3) and then “challenged” The Governor to part with it, plus lob in a “value add” side dish of Liver and Bacon, whilst reducing my “capital outlay” to £2.25. I think you can see what I mean here. And I’m pretty sure The Governor would retort with something along the lines “Don’t take the piss, £3 or get out”
2.) Purchasing System Workshop - apparently we are all a bunch of clueless fuckwits who have been unwittingly misusing the on-line purchasing system wrong for years now. Hmmm, wonder if that’s anything to do with not being trained, canned because it was deemed to costly. Instead we were issued with laminate guides to assist us through this inordinately complex, unreliable and unfriendly system. So, we attend a workshop run by someone who is a clueless fuckwit to demonstrate how to use it properly for “human resource purchase” or “contractors” as we know them. The “facilitator” was unfamiliar with the system having only started using it a month ago. The test purchasing system hadn’t been……err…tested and therefore didn’t work. So we spent 90 minutes undergoing a Death by Powerpoint slideshow on how it should look were to working, and what it should show in reality. This was the equivalent of Stevie Wonder showing Ray Charles how to drive a DeLorean.
3.) Organization Target Meeting - in other words what roles can we outsource, what departments and functions can be dropped, how can we slim down and reduce our human resource costs. In other words, how can we fuck people’s lives and aspirations up in order run the business effectively and efficiently? Needless to say, the socialist devil in me kicked in, and my suggestion along the lines of “ Why not make people feel part of the company, reward them appropriately, treat them like humans and not as resources, encourage them to contribute, empower them to make decisions, stop employing as many contractors and increase the number of full time employees so that they can identify with the company and appreciate the level of quality they deliver” didn’t go down to well. Well, they did ask for honest suggestions but I guess they didn’t want to hear my view that you get what you pay for. Of all the meetings this week, this was the most heinous and disagreeable..
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