Well, folks I was bastard ill last week with the bastard son of a bastard cold - NOT fucking Man 'flu as all the witty women I know seemed to think (come on girls some of us know the difference between a rotten stinking cold and proper flu - give some of us some credit!). Hence the lack of posts because I just couldn't get very enthusiastic about doing anything except trying to play silly but unbelievably complex flight simulator games on my PC. Mind you, trying to fly an F-15 Eagle, F-16 Falcon or Su-27 Flanker on a computer, following a 150 page manual at the same time as reading a keyboard layout card, whilst suddenly trying to achieve ambidextrosity in order to press the right keys to fly straight/land/select weapons/select views etc is something only a man can understand the fascination with.
If I was 13 then it would be a doddle.
Anyway I'm better now and hopefully the creative juices will be flowing shortly. Work is duller than ever and it seems everyone is on a singular mission to make it even duller. This morning has been a 2 hour session with The Officer (see cast) explaining to me in the most Janet and John terms how soemthing called Basel2 will affect The Company and the merits and emergent properties of "distinctive competencies" as defined by the Grant Business Strategy model based around the resource and capability models. This is of course as aopposed to the Porter Business Strategy, which apparently most large organisations use because ...well..its easier and more tangible.
Yup, now you see why I am like I am. What is becoming apparent that the real thing I enjoy doing most is writing. Writing for this blog , which admittedly has died off a bit recently even pre-illness, and for the Chelsea Blog - something which always easy to do bearing in mind my increasing obsession with my beloved Chelsea. In fact, were I 16 now I would be doing my damnedest to be come a sports journalist. It is becoming apparent to me that other than flying fuck-off fighter jets, playing professional golf then this would be my ideal career. Not doing whatever it is I do currently! The biggest sticking point would be trying to remain impartial when it comes to discussing Chelsea. Mind you compared to Mr Chelsea (see cast) I can assure you that I am the perfect model of objectivity, which if you've ever read any of my articles (now being recreated here regularly as they are published on Chelseablog) will give you an idea of how much Chelsea blood runs in his veins.
Anyway, just a few brief observations and comments:
1.) Life on Mars ended this week, with a terrific episode leaving the conspiracy theorists (me included) going wild on Digital Spy with speculation over what it all meant. I can't really say enough about the quality of the plot, the story arcs , the acting, the "girl next door gorgeousness" of Liz White (gratuitous photo above) and the attention to detail this series displayed. Fantastic, can't wait for Series 2.
2.) The Welsh are celebrating St Davids day today. Anyone remember when St Georges Day is? I do cos it's Dave the disappearing brothers birthday. Will we all be celebrating.....yeah right...coz that would make us racist, imperialistic, anti-muslim, jingoistic Little Englanders wouldn't it? Notice also that the Welsh are also opening The Senedd building today, their own democratic assembly home. It's the equivalent of the Scottish Parliament building called Holyrood (except this didn't cost as much or overrun) which of course hosues the democratically elected Scottish Parliament. So, it leaves me with the question - Northern Ireland has Stormont, Scotland has Holyrood, Wales has the Senedd....what does England have? It would appear to something called Fuckall. Thats right, England has a Parliament known as Fuckall residing no doubt in a building called Fuck Hall. Currently it appears this assembly is occupied by a group known as Fuck-knows made of of Fucking Nobodies. And us English are happy to sit by and allow this to happen?
Regular readers will know I am very Pro-European, which means I favour the Euro, like the idea of a united body of European nations economically standing up to the US and the Middle East, whilst helping Africa and collaborating with Asia. This doesn't make me anti- UK
or anti anything really. It means I believe that England has a right to exist as a state, unashamedly and without prejudice. It means that I think England and English people should be equally represented with the UK Parliament and political system. Just as France and Germany exist with the EU and play their part without compromising national identity and culture, I think the Uk could do the same as well, with England being a powerful subset of the UK, rather than
the marginalised and increasingly divided society we have become. I'm not sure why this appears to be difficult to achieve. As the other members of the UK gain semi-independence their national identites and cultures grow - whilst England continues to be apathetic and consequently and unwittingly secedes these rights, our national identity dilutes and our society fragments.
Shame on us.
3.) Last rant for now - a series of statements to sum up UK PLC and the spineless society we have become that allows us to restrict free speech and has us tiptoeing around walking on egg shells.
Tories privatised Water. Shareholders demand dividends. Money goes to shareholders. Investment in infrastructure decreases. Infratsructure crumbles. Bills and water rates rise.More droughts. Compulsory water meters now given the go ahead in Kent. Country surrounded by water. No investment in national water grid. No investment in desalination plants for bath/shower/garden supplies. We pay more, we get less, shareholders get richer. Water chiefs rewarded for failure.
Repeat for gas and electricity - with roads to follow and who knows, air one day?
And life is better?
Later, Grocerjack
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