Yeah, completely fucked would be a good description of how I feel after the excesses of last week. It was exactly as I said in my last post, except it wasn't Guinness, it was Beamish, which turned out to be an able substitute.
It's a long long time since I drank like that for 4 nights on the trot, including the various nips of rather lovely single malts, rums and brandies experienced on the golf courses. I've witnessed boxer short snooker, men unable to direct into the bowl and consequently wetting their jean fronts, naked men in red ties, my swimming cossie being paraded for all to see after dinner (yes, it is quite small for a chubby chap like me!). I've even seen an out of control buggy careering backwards down a hill at 30mph in pouring rain ending up in a rather deep ditch with a somewhat shocked driver inside. I saw Shotts being awarded the dummy (as in baby's dummy) for being a brown nose to Jaimo, Jaimo having won the night before. Believe me this dummy has been to places you don't want to know. It is NOT for sucking on! The winner has to wear it for the whole evening around their neck. I won it on the last night so get to keep it for a whole year until the next holiday. The idea is that its given to those that perform acts of stupidity, anger or misery whilst playing golf, however you can include any event over the whole year when nominating the winner. The holder chooses the next dummy wearer, and you can only hold it yourself once in any single year. Aren't I the lucky one. Yes, I know it all sounds rather childish, but hey we're blokes and it's about time I did something childish again. Being an adult is ohhh so boring all the time.
And to cap it all I won the main competition on Wednesday with 34 points (14 out, 20 in) on a day when the word torrential is unbelievably inadequate when describing the rain we played in ALL round. Earned me a nice couple of prizes plus about £75 in winnings including the week long "birdie" pot.
Will I go again.......what do you think?
Lastly, next week I have exams to get some qualifications for my ....ahem...role at work so busy revising means few posts until they're out of the way.
Later, DummyJack
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