Friday, 28 October 2005

Done and dusted

Thats it , the exams are finished. And yes, they were fucking unbelievably hard. Vague ambiguous questions, a chioice of doing 5 from...errrr 5 .....for two whole days, three hours of solid handwriting, admin time included within the three hours. It was like a trip back to the 1800's. All that was missing was a quill pen and inkwell. So, normal-ish service resumes today.

Thoughts on events........

George Galloway - Why are the septics so determined to nail this fool? Whilst it is admirable to have committed views and show unswerving loyalty to them, lets not forget this man was a yes man for Saddam. he really isn't worth the effort.

George Best - yes I know he is a football legend. However, he received a new liver on the grounds that he would not drink again. He lasted 6 months before going back out on benders. meanwhile someone, somewehere died for want of a liver. Someone who may have been more likle y to stay off the booze. I don't want him to die, but lest we forget the beatings to his wife, the piss poor role model, the general mysoginism, the homophobic nature of his personality and perhaps he's not quite the "hero" painted by the media. In fact he's more like a normal bloke than most of us would admit. If he lives, then I hope he learns a lesson, stays off the booze and proves that the death of his donor wasn't wasted.

Bedshaped - leaves a comment saying Floyd are touring next year. Does anyone, anywhere know if this is true. Google searches just turn up denials! My credit card awaits the tour dates......

George Bush - at fucking last, it appears that the good ol' US of A residents are finally seeing him for the fool he is. Rising deaths in Iraq and misjudged appointments to the Supreme court, seem to have taken the wind from his sails. Good. lets hope the lessons are learned for the next election, but what's the odds on an Iran invasion before then?

Iran - see where this furore over the Iranian President's comments on Israel is leading? Frightening isn't it? I just think this is bollocks rhetoric that could have come from any Middle Eastern despotic state. Substitute Iran for Syria, Iraq, Egypt etc....what's the difference? The Israeli's are hated, they know that, they live with it. So why does the world feel outraged that a tin pot state like Iran says things like this? Fuck 'em. Ignore 'em. Cut off ALL relations with them, turn them into a pariah like North Korea. Stop all business with them, including any related to oil. Bleed the fuckers dry. Then see how long the President lasts. If he stays, then so what? If he goes then let them do the work to rejoin the world community. Don't waste time, effort and people on another unnecessary war. the biggest weapon is money and that's controlled by the banks and big corporations. They could cut the supply off easily and with little effect on shareholders. Remove that link, drive the country back to the stone age through poverty and see what happens.

It's good to be back.

Later, GrocerJack

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